I am so nervous and scared!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Hi everyone, I don't know if you guys remember me but............ I am meeting with Dr. Atlas on Monday, I am scared that he will refuse me and I will have a dead end street from here. To top it all I usually gain weight when I am nervous and now that I need a BMI of 40 I am losing weight from nerves.............Go figure!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dreamer
This was my previous post: Hi everyone, I made an appt. with the surgeon and I will be seeing him on May 26. I am very nervous about it. I want to be accepted under Quebec medicare. I am looking for the vsg (vertical sleeve gastrectomy). I am trying to get answers on the quebec forum, but it's pretty much dead there! I am told that most members from quebec come here, that's why I am here. Could anyone give me pointers for when I meet him, something that could make a difference. My current weight is 235 lbs, I am 5'5 and I have a BMI of 40. I have to loose 100 lbs, I have high blood pressure that is controlled with medication and I am currently being tested for sleep apnea. I have familly history of type2 diabete and colon cancer. (lost my Mom 14 months ago to it). I need this surgery so that I could get my life back, but I cannot pay for it. I hope I will be accepted by medicare and that he will take me under his care. Please let me know what you all think. Do you think that anything I say or do will make a difference? Thank you again for you help, again!