Recent Posts
Topic: RE: Greetings from New Orleans, Peeps!
I am tolerating the siblings very well.
I'm staying in a hotel for that reason alone. It's a great feeling to love from a distance.

Topic: RE: Introduced myself on the VSG board's been a tough road for you, but regardless of what board you're on or what surgery you have, we'll always be here for you. We're all in for the long haul - This is, no doubt, a lifetime struggle!
Topic: I'm Not Comfortable With Crass Posts!
I haven't been on the board much in the last few days. Instead of being able to read posts about life with the band, all I have found is four letter words and bashing of nice people...
It boggles my mind that OH allows those kind of posts to be on their web site. Don't they realize that these posts are against their own terms of service? Would these posts be stopped if it was against RNY people of DS'ers? Is it just that we as LapBanders are the step-children here on OH? I am very sad that this has happened...
I was always happy here in the past and knew that I could come here for support and friendship. I have been posting on Bandsterville and If I stop posting here I hope that you will understand. Come and join me over there!
Topic: RE: Greetings from New Orleans, Peeps!
I guess that now you have a new crack in your bottom...
Now that is truly funny!

Topic: RE: Greetings from New Orleans, Peeps!
It is pretty funny now. It was pretty funny 15 minutes later. But at the time, it was not funny at all.
Today, I got to show my best friend some of my childhood favorites. It was awesome even though the city isn't what it was. Today, we went to Lake Pontratrain and sat out there and talked about how I would come there with my dad and Mr. Henry. They would fish and I would listen to their WW2 stories and feed the seagulls.
Topic: Introduced myself on the VSG board
Today I made an intoductory post on the VSG board just to feel my way around. I am kind of sad at this stage. I feel like I need to move on, but there is so much I want to take with me. You guys.
Topic: RE: Greetings from New Orleans, Peeps!
If I had been drinking, it wouldn't have been so bad. But I was just plain ole tired.
I heard that you were going to be in Texas. Hope your time there was good.