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Topic: Standardized Tests
Hi - Do you all deal with standardized tests in your elementary school and junior and senior high schools? I know it varies by state. My son is in third grade and is having his first one in a couple of weeks. It just irks me that the schools are teaching to the test and teaching test taking skills and that the kids are getting all stressed out about them. Any thoughts or experiences in this regard?
Topic: RE: PEI Weather forecast
We had a whopping snow storm here started late Friday and snowed most of the night! I think we had about 5 or 6 inches which is alot for this part of country we have not a a good snow like this since 2003 when we got almost 4 inches it was mostly gone by late saturday evening but on saturday my grandkids had a ball building snowmen and making snowballs Il ooked out on my deck this morning and their snowman is all melted and his carrot nose is laying there in a puddle .. !! I is supposed to be close to 60 today but we are having a cold start All the daffodills here have been bloming for two or more weeks now but they sure looked pale & peaked from the cold snow when it melted .. now back up 60 then mid 60s and low 70s all this week and next ! Spring has sprung
Topic: RE: PEI Weather forecast
My kids had the hardest time getting up and ready for school this morning. I hope they adjust to the time change very soon. It was quite the struggle for all of us. Between lots of travelling this weekend and lots of parties and family and all it is definately hard to adjust to the day to day world of work and school.
Topic: RE: Can I join you guys?
So good to see your pretty smiling face!!!.... Yup, you are the one who started all of this so, you better not jump ship now~~
Chelle B.
on 3/10/08 1:13 am
on 3/10/08 1:13 am
Topic: RE: PEI Weather forecast
With the time change, it was 60 degrees and dark when I came to work today. Now we are having a nice, cleansing rain.

Topic: What's happening on these boards?
Hi to everyone....hope all is well. I haven't been on lately due to personal issues with family...however, when I pop in to read...I read such nastiness! What the heck is going on with all the drama, hate and foul language? I have never and will not be part of the drama...just don't understand the hate?
Topic: PEI Weather forecast
I just checked the weather forecast in PEI this morning. It's -11 C or 12 F chilly and windy too.
Hope it's beautiful in your part of the world today.
Topic: RE: I enjoy eating again!
The one thing I have definitely learned on this Lap-Band journey of mine is that the "sweet spot" and "proper restriction" are things that are defined differently by all of us.
For some people it means being so tight that a 600 - 800 calorie diet of mostly (or all) lean proteins is all you can handle. For others it means being tight enough to take the edge off of hunger to help make better decisions. For yet others it means something in between.
Finding what works for us and individuals is part of the process.