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Nancy W
on 2/22/08 12:00 am
on 2/22/08 12:00 am
Thanks so much Sharon! We're going out, just the 2 of us tonight, then our best friends are taking us out tomorrow night.
We wanted to go away for the weekend, but didn't have a sitter. But that's okay, we'll make it special anyway!
Topic: RE: YIPEE! It's a snow day!
Hi Beth, What a neat way to spend a day. Unfortunately as a nurse I have to work regardless. If I can't get to work the police will come and get me. Enjoy your free day. Mona

Topic: RE: Thanks, y'all ... I'm testing and dragging
Hi Frances, What an ordeal you are going through! The manometry test is done to measure acid coming up into your esophagus. It is usually done for people with reflux. It is so not a fun test to go through. Let us know how you are doing. Mona

Topic: RE: YIPEE! It's a snow day!
Yep, was right! I hope you enjoy your day, hon, and get a jump, on things you have to do! It gives you a cozy, fuzzy feeling, at first, then, gets real old fAST! haha I would hold off on the beans, until, maybe the last 1/2 hr-1 hr., and drain them, if they're canned, hon! Sure sounds good. I can smell it now! lol
Topic: RE: Thanks, y'all ... I'm testing and dragging
Well, I certainly hope you hear something soon. I know the waiting is alomost worse, than the pain. you know, I'm praying for you, hon, and along with that, the hopes, it will not be a major situation. I can't for the life of me, figure, why it takes SO long for the doctors, nowdays to diagnose! Keep us posted, Sweetness!
Topic: RE: I am a wuss...
You're no wuss, hon! You need to be like me, I carry a tube of "Hand sanitizer," in my purse, and use it, a million times a day! Especially after the "Meet and Greet," at church! if I ever get to church again! ha I'm sure you watched the debate on TV, and may have saved yourself, some bugs! It's rampant here, and they're STILL giving flu shots!
Chelle B.
on 2/21/08 10:24 pm
on 2/21/08 10:24 pm
Topic: RE: Thanks, y'all ... I'm testing and dragging
Hugs, love and prayers to the woman who is such an inspiration to me in so many ways.
Topic: RE: Sun's out! Where's the grill???
I agree with Nancy! You're doing great! Hope you don't get, too, much snow, hon!~ Well, cozy up!~
Chelle B.
on 2/21/08 10:20 pm
on 2/21/08 10:20 pm
Topic: RE: YIPEE! It's a snow day!
Have a beautiful snow day. Cold here - it will only get to 71 degrees today. Your crockpot meal sounds delish!
I am home keeping the flu away.