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Happy Anniversary Nancy! Congrats
Hope you have a great evening with your hubby

Topic: RE: OT: Gearing up for the cold weather
I might have to go looking for some cuddle duds. I don't know if we have them out here, but if we do - that is what I'm getting!
You are so right about the insulation - I have never been so cold in my life as I have been the last five years...
Thanks for the advice, Beth.
Topic: RE: I've been blocked on R & R
LOL there is a post on the lapband board you girls will have to sign out for LMAO!
Topic: RE: OT: Gearing up for the cold weather
Well, I don't know if you have any but I swear by cuddle duds. They are an upscale long john. I wear them everyday under everything. They keep me so warm and when you lose your insulation you need something to keep you warm - lol. Have a safe trip.
Topic: OT: Gearing up for the cold weather
Okay, all you cold weather living folks, any advice for a wuss who has to travel to Kansas City next week and Cincinatti the week of March 17?
Yep, the government is sending me to both those places - me the one who freezes here in Seattle!
Other than taking my big heavy coat (yes, I own one even here in Seattle because I get so cold now!) and drinking lots of lattes - any suggestions?
P.S. I do have a warm weather trip in between those two - we are going to Spring Training in Arizona on march 7. Pool and bikini time and LOTS and LOTS of Mariners baseball! Life doesn't get any better than that....
Topic: RE: YIPEE! It's a snow day!
I will set an extra place at the dinner table for you. Seriously, when I crockpot cook there is enough for an army. I end of freezing it and eating it for months! I am having a grand day so far. Enjoyed my coffee, exercised, started laundry, watching the food network and the birds outside in the snow at my bird feeder. I am such a geek!
Topic: RE: YIPEE! It's a snow day!
Call Dr. Boe - he will call you back himself. I am sure he will tell you to take prilosec and lay off any acid foods *but* call him. That is why we pay him!! Didn't you just get a tiny fill? Do you think you are too tight?
Topic: RE: YIPEE! It's a snow day!
Hi Marla,
I saw you are having a bit of heartburn. I get heartburn every once in a while, it's rare but it does happen. So, I keep some of the prescription water soluble Prevacid on hand. My surgeon prescribes it for me when I ask. I don't use it often, but when I need it, I use it and the heartburn goes away immediately.
You might talk to your doctor about getting some.
Good luck.
Topic: RE: New picture of me
That is a tough one Cyndy.
I did have the tummy tuck, but I waited over 4 years from my original surgery. I thought long and hard about it. Worked out and did everything I could to minimize the loose skin, and still was not happy with the way my stomach looked.
I thought long and hard and finally decided the tummy tuck was necessary. I'm not sure if I will do more or not - I have quite a bit of loose skin on my inner thighs - well, maybe not "quite a bit" but more than I like. I'll wait and see where I go with that decision.
Take care!