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Topic: RE: TGIF, again, already! let's hear about the eats!~
HI Sharon! Posting Saturday for Friday.
early: 1 mozz chz stick
B: 1 packet of oatmeal / 3 strips of ready to serve bacon
L: Chili, from Chili's / 4 saltines
D: crabmeat sauteed in garlic w/alfredo sauce on top of broccoli, carrots and water chestnuts
later: cadbury carmel egg (the easter candy is evil)
Topic: RE: TGIF, again, already! let's hear about the eats!~
You hardly ate ANYTHING!~Are you sick, hon? Well, it wil be in the 30's today, and tomorrow, so FLOOD time! ha Have a good one!
Topic: RE: TGIF, again, already! let's hear about the eats!~
Good for you, Marcia! I need that orange chicken recipe, hon, I lost mine! You enjoy, your week-end, too, hon!!
Topic: RE: TGIF, again, already! let's hear about the eats!~
Doing great! Those scallops sound so good! Have a good week-end, hon!
Topic: RE: TGIF, again, already! let's hear about the eats!~
Aww, poor baby, inside for a WHOLE day!
I'm sure glad you don't live up here, sweetie! You're day of eating sounded good, I'm sorry the chicken didn't turn out that good! someone gave us that recipe, with the beans, and add sour cream 1/2 hr before you are done. Can't remember who! I still want to try it. I truly hope you have a good week-end, honey!

Topic: RE: Conclusion: Not worth the risk
I'm going to be praying that you'll find the surgeon that will help you...there's one out there somewhere.
Topic: RE: Ballooning up now!
We all have different experiences but I think we can all relate to the weight gain and the frustrations that brings. I have PCOS and no matter how little I ate my weight would continue to rise. I tried everything. I'd get some off, and then it would come back with a vengeance. The band is the first thing that has helped me lose weight AND keep it off... and you've had that experience too. It may seem like a long time ago to you right now, but you know you're heading in the right direction and that you're band will start helping you again soon. Keep your eyes on that light at the end of this long tunnel you've been in. It's gonna keep getting brighter the closer you get to it!!!
Topic: RE: Should we out HeiDEE on the R&R board?
I made a new acct this morning so I could get on that forum (it won't allow guest) and I didn't see a Heidee....curiosity got the better of me!
Topic: RE: Conclusion: Not worth the risk
Frances, Good morning!! I simpy do not understand how there doctors are dismissing your problem as inoperable because of scar tissue ...if you have 3 tumors and they are pressing on your stomach and causing intense pain,why can't they be removed .. I have read several times . they can cut thru scar tissue and also remove the excess scar tissue to get to the problem areas .... of course you need a well experienced surgeon who preforms surgeries such as these .. this is what you need to search for .., most really good surgeons are in bigger cities who are willing to take on a problem such as excesss car tissue like Nashville Tn .MemphisTn , maybe Oxford Ms . I have had ovarian cysts and 2 huge fibroid tumors removed in 2 different surgeries.. they caused me great pain and I bled heavily along with clots for 2 weeks out of every month .I became enemic for the first time in my entire life even though I ate lots of protein every day I also had to have Vit B shots every 2 weeks at Dr's office .... after they are removed... they are always sent to the lab for testing for cancer.. your insurance co should completely understand your situation you can not only call them ,but send them a registered letter explaining your predicament always keep a copy so you have a paper trail behind you of all your efferts & always ask and write down who you speak to ,when you called and what they said . tell them you must get some sort of relief from this pain that is has has become unbearable and your quality of life has diminished.. I understand what you are going thru ...all this plus the added aggravation,strain and frustration at getting no relief .. ...I am pulling for you!