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Chelle B.
on 2/23/08 9:23 am
on 2/23/08 9:23 am
Topic: RE: Should we out HeiDEE on the R&R board?
I have been feeling feisty all day! I am ready to rumble.....
Maybe she loves you, Beth...

Topic: Can you hear me at your house?
My belly pain.....well, about an hour ago I started burping like a trucker! I'm talking big, loud belches that could win any contest!! I'm wondering if I had a bad case of trapped gas in my belly? We'll see how the night goes....I apologized to my DH for my lack of ladylike behavior!
Topic: RE: Should we out HeiDEE on the R&R board?
So that is how she is getting all of her information - I thought we had a mole on the island
I can still see her posts does that mean I am not blocked? Maybe *WE* should start playing her game... no that is just sick. I am feeling a little feisty tonight.

Topic: RE: Should we out HeiDEE on the R&R board?
So heres the scoop. Dee is logging on here so she can see our posts as whatever hundreth identity she has and is going to the R&R forum and bashing us as Irish Myst. (which in that identity she claims to not know any of us) then she blocks us so we who are not trolls cannot see what she says. Of course we could play her game....but why would we?
She is a psycho freak who is so jealous that she cant be on our Island she is exterting all this effort to bash us, but of course is caught in her lies every time.
I dont feel sorry for her lonely sad pathetic life as she always raises so much cain everywhere she goes she ends up banished..(like from LBT at least twice that I know of.)
By the way she will read this and thats the point.
Topic: RE: Should we out HeiDEE on the R&R board?
You are right Marcia - I am stooping to her level. I guess it bothers me that she was so mean to nice people and these nice "new" people don't have any idea who she is. I need to move on - just like I said to Chelle earlier.
Topic: RE: My belly hurts!
Please call your doctor! I may just be a touch of the stomach flu starting up but I wouldn't take any chances. Feel better!

Topic: RE: I have an official DIETER living with me!
He is really doing great, but so are you! The only reasons it is slower for you are because you are a woman and you have already lost so much with the band. It always is slower for us girls! I do write everything down on the dailyplate (that you recommended). I think it is the best of the tracking sites. It does help me to keep on track. I have a hard time limiting my carbs without writing it down. My only problem with that site is that some things don't list the amount of protein. I don't know why....
Just ignore him if he gets holier than thou! I think it comes with being a man.

Topic: RE: Should we out HeiDEE on the R&R board?
I just feel sorry for her - in a way...
It just is a shame that she needs to abuse other people. All of us are too nice to bother with her lunacy! We have too much going on in our lives to worry about her...