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Topic: RE: Tainted by the Island....
Well, looks like she finally got around to blocking me, too! ha I felt left out! What a piece of work, she is!~ Vickie, be GLAD you never had anything to do with her! She really tired to do a #, on me! Yep, you're on the Island with all of us Vets, and I for one, couldn't be happier! You're one of the chosen few, and in the best company you will ever find! hon!
Topic: RE: just posted this on the revisions board
O.K. that is what I remember..that you will have a repositioning after the hernia is repaired. We are on the same page now. Funny how the word revision can send you into a panic.
Topic: RE: Heartburn?
Generally speaking, if you got the heartburn after a fill (esp. one that is too tight), then chances are, loosening it a bit will ameliorate your heartburn. You could ask your doctor if they prescribe Prevacid Solu-tabs to cut down on the irritation (it can cause swelling). If you are still not better, then sure, get it checked out with fluro or something, but honestly, it probably is just a bit of reflux due to too tight of a band. If you are choking at night, aspirating, constantly regurgitating food... then there could be a bigger problem. But it sounds like you are just a tad tight and swollen! Feel better!!! Let us know how the partial unfill goes!
Topic: RE: just posted this on the revisions board
That is exactly what is happening with my band and HH. I should get my repair on the 7th or 14th of March. Thank God! I can't wait! Let me know when yours is (and I'll let you know if the repair has helped my problems!)
BTW, Anita... excellent post. You will get flames shot at you, but just ignore those morons. They like to take peaceful posts (and especially by people that are enjoying their bands) and tear them apart. Just don't respond to any of them! They are the miserable people and you don't need that drama!
Topic: RE: just posted this on the revisions board
I am keeping my band, it is just going to be repositioned. That is what my Dr. calls a revision. The hernia is pulling the band up and out of position. It is no even a slip but it does cause the band to not work as intended. Sorry if I confused you. It is acutally good news in that when I get back into action the band my finally start working for me better than it has in the past.
Topic: RE: Post PS update
I loved Sesame street live..(and so did my 5 yr Its wonderful to hear that you are healing well and getting geared up to go back to work. Enjoy your new physique!
Topic: RE: just posted this on the revisions board
I must have missed the part that you are DEFINITELY having the revision! I am very bummed to hear that. You could be band bitter at this point and are not..thats amazing. The doc cant repair the hiatal hernia and leave the band in? Have you decided which surgery will work better for you now? I know I can speak for everyone when I say we are all on your side...whatever will work and get things moving for deserve it. Why is it that the people that I really like and admire are the ones that end up with problems? Did we **** off the band gods at some point?
Nancy W
on 2/24/08 2:52 am
on 2/24/08 2:52 am
Topic: RE: Heartburn?
Sounds smart. Always listen to your body. You should be able to lose your last 10 with a looser fill. You've done very well so far!
Topic: RE: Heartburn?
I have no other symptoms except for the heartburn. I don't actually have any reflux, but am having trouble eating solid foods. I think I am going to get an unfill..I only have 10 more pounds or so to lose..why be miserable!