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Chelle B.
on 2/24/08 10:38 am
on 2/24/08 10:38 am
Topic: RE: LaraNicole....MIA???
Lara is going great. Her daughter (my goddaughter) is due April 5th. I'm giving her a baby shower at her house March 8th, and also doing one online. She is working too many hours at her new job as Lap Band Advocate, tho, but she loves it.
Topic: RE: just posted this on the revisions board
Very well said Anita. I haven't been over to the other board to check it out but I hope you are only getting positive and supportive replies.
Topic: LaraNicole....MIA???
Hey...has anyone heard from or been in touch with LaraNicole? I know she was busy preparing for the baby, but it's been quite a while. I'd love to know that she's OK.
Chelle B.
on 2/24/08 10:35 am
on 2/24/08 10:35 am
Topic: RE: Tomorrow - for real
Thanks, Vicki, I will. It doesn't take much, good choices is all. I just need to take the time to think about it and make more good choices than not. And now that the Mayan Chocolate Haagen Daz is gone, it should be easier!
Topic: RE: just posted this on the revisions board
You're so right on the money.....too bad it'll probably bring on a ton of criticism, but I'd take it as a compliment - considering where it will come from!
Topic: RE: I won!
Wow...good for you! That's incredible. I could never be around all of that cake and survive so I'm going to have to live vicariously through your deserts! You should take some pics if you can and post. I can almost taste it from your description!!
Topic: RE: Tomorrow - for real
I so understand! I don't always make the right choice myself (see my lunch selection on the thread Sharon started for proof).
The "plan" that works for me is to make sure that my right choices outweight my wrong choices by about four to one.
If I can be of help, let me know.
Topic: RE: Where is C.N. ...and Taw?? Miss you guys...
I'm so impressed that you guys have gone back to school. I may actually have to consider doing a Masters just to keep the brain going! I love that you're investing in yourselves......for yourselves!!