Recent Posts
Topic: RE:'re in big trouble!
OMG! You guys will all go into withdrawl! Poor Vicki's, stranded, in KC!~

Topic: RE: Some POSITIVE changes for this fine Monday morning!
That's great! Now you can air-condition the garage, as HIS next project! ha
Topic: RE: Another troll.....
Just unbelievable! I'd say PROUD, is more like it, honey!~Don't let the stupidity get to you! Like Susan said, Midnightblue. I've seen that on LBT, and wondered~Now, I suppose we can all look forward to personal attacks! UGH! Getting old quick!
Chelle B.
on 2/25/08 2:44 am
on 2/25/08 2:44 am
Topic: RE:'re in big trouble!
You mean you don't like people touching something that you will be drinking from?
Topic: RE: I have been PBing for over an hour
When I have good restriction there is no way I can get white-meat chicken down, no matter how soft it is. I hope you didn't get too irritated from it.