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Topic: Monday Evening Chat!
You are invited!
Join us on Monday Evenings at 9:30 in the chatroom in the Open Forum!
Topic: RE: Where is C.N. ...and Taw?? Miss you guys...
I'm here! I'm just really busy right now and totally motivated to get to goal. I'm trying to keep my eye on the prize and that means staying off the computer quite often and moving around! I will promise to check in more often!
Topic: RE: 2008 will be my year!
Yes, survived is the right word to describe 2007. So far 2008 isn't any better health wise, but I vow to make it better!
Topic: Long Island Lap-Band Suppord Group Meeting - Next Wed. 3/5
Next Long Island Lap-Band Support Group meeting will be on Wed., March 5th, 7:00 PM at Samantha's Lil Bit of Heaven in East Northport!
If you have been banded, are waithing to bge banded or are only considering being banded, then this is the meeting for you! Please come!
There is NO COST, beverages are provided free, and feel free to bing you own dinner if you choose.
Come give support - Come get support!
For more info. or directions, please email me.
Chelle B.
on 2/25/08 11:13 am
on 2/25/08 11:13 am
Topic: RE: 2008 will be my year!
Where I go, you go. We survived 2007 and will be successes in 2008.
Topic: RE: Another troll.....
The names don't stay active for very long. The one that this thread is about has already been deactivated. I think she wants to post here. From what I understand she loved posting as Leap of Faith until she got caught. It's weird how some of the ID's are nice like Leap and the Irish Mist one and others are really mean and nasty like babbler, and midnightblue (form LBT). Maybe we should ask Sylvia about that one

Topic: RE: Another troll.....
She attacked me a couple of weeks ago on the LB forum... so I guess she went for the jugular on me too. She also has blocked me, so all those names you guys have said, I can't see them or the profile. I'd rather she block me than approach me!
Topic: RE: So, I saw my internist
Alyssa, you are not a downer at all..I simply adore you and can't wait for the day you get some relief. It has been an awful year for you, you need some relief. Please know your good friends on here, we want you to come and vent to us. We are here for you..we want to listen and offer words of encouragement.
So vent away via the forum or email me, I will always be here for you.