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Topic: RE: I'm LATE, I'm LATE, What's to eat??
So sorry about the salmon, hon! I love fish, but prefer, my salmon, smoked. It's my least fav. otherwise. I think I gave you a recipe for it, though! Hope your Wednesday, is a good one, honey!
Topic: RE: Trouble eating lately...
Marcia, I agree with everyone else. Take it slow, you're probably really irritated from all that PB'ing! Then, maybe you're just a tad too, tight, as, I suggested yesterday, and may need a smidgon, out! I've had fills kick in, after, 3-4 weeks! Just be careful, hon!
Topic: RE: Trouble eating lately...
Once I'm swollen (whether it's from a little cold, cough, or and incident where I get stuck) the next couple of weeks - even a month - can be very tricky unless I go to mushies/liquids for a good two or three days. I've just gotten past day two on giving myself a chance to get back on track.....and to tell you the truth, the mushies are kinda fun. They bring back memories of the early days. That and I've lost 4 pounds in those 2 days - and I really needed to see the scale start moving in the right direction (granted the Red Lobster I ate over the weekend was probably good for two of those pounds so they were easy to lose!)
Good luck.
- Ann
Topic: RE: the adventure continues...Elliott Grace is here...
Congratulations on the new little bundle of joy.
Continued prayers for Chami and Jon as they go through their frightening issues.
You must me on an emotional rollercoaster.....
Topic: RE: the adventure continues...Elliott Grace is here...
Congratulations on your new Grandchild!
I also pray that the ovarian cancer will be treated and all will be well. May God bless all of them and you too!

Topic: the adventure continues...Elliott Grace is here...
Well our 6th grandchild is here...Elliott Grace surprised us all yesterday just after 12 noon....I think we had almost given up....Sonda had just gotten a sandwich and we were going to go and get some paint... (I have painted 2 bathrooms that they put new tile and fixtures need to do something while waiting...1 more to go...)
So we were getting ready...and suddenly OPPS...her water breaks..(mind you...this is about 12 noon...) I went and got the boys from school...and we all went to the birthing center...Sonda was planning on having this one with the water birth...(that is what was PLANNED with Wyatt..but no go...) so she calls the birthing center and has them start the tub...we get the the center just before 1 pm and after being checked...we know that it won't be long...within 10-15 minutes she is in the tub...and Elliott Grace was born at 1:48..
She of course is perfect and beautiful...(just like her Mom) and I will try and post some pictures tomorrow...
We brought her home last night...(Sonda only stayed 6 hrs after giving birth...)I have been doing early night duty...(probably until about 2-3) so here I sit...Grammy with baby...trying to type this...I am not a good typer to start with...
Elliott Grace
7 lbs 1 oz
21 1/4 inches
Feb.25, 2008
Also....continue to remember Chami and Jon...
She has additional Surgery scheduled for March 5th...they will be taking multipe byopsies and checking for additional areas of overian cancer...then she will be starting Chemo...
blessings, Debbi
Topic: RE: Trouble eating lately...
It's just funny that I never had trouble with an egg since banding. That was always one of my staple foods. I won't see my doctor until next week so I will just have to take it really easy until then. Thanks!
Topic: RE: Any exercise today?
Not lately..but this thread is getting me geared up to go back to my walking daily. I sure sleep better and handle stress better when I do.
You probably earned an early night sweetie pie...get some rest and hopefully tomorrow you are full of vim and vigor.
Topic: RE: Trouble eating lately...
At optimal restriction I wouldnt be able to eat orange chicken, omelette, or scrambled egg. My list fill kicked in about 3 weeks later and I dont even attempt certain foods. Its sure a relearning process every time. Rest that poor tummy and let us know what the doc says.
Topic: RE: Trouble eating lately...
Thanks Nancy, I am going to try the liquids. I didn't think I was too tight - my fill was about a month ago. You may be right about being irritated. Thanks