Protein Powders for sale, Unjury and Syntrax
Hi gang! I have a few containers of protein powders that I'm not going to use, so I thought I might post them here if anyone might be interested in saving a little on them, plus saving on the shipping from the States. I have the following:
2 - Unjury Chicken Soup. I container is opened and 2 scoops taken out. Regular $22.95 on the Unjury site, I'd like $15 each
3 - Unjury Unflavored. I container opened (I needed the scoop) Regular price $20,95 on the Unjury site, $15 each and will throw in another half container.
1 - Syntrax Nectar Roadside Lemonade. Opened with 1 scoop used. Regular price $44.95 online. $25
1 - Carribbean Cooler. Unopened. Regular price $44.95 online, $25
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