Let's share goals - Summer is coming!!!

Nancy W
on 3/9/08 12:56 am
Anyone have something they are working toward? Wedding, family or class reunion? Just want to get 10 pounds off by summer? Please share!!! My husband is kicking my a$$ with WW. He is down 31 pounds as of this morning. He's in the zone. I would love to be down 15 pounds by June. I always have the Kuri Bash at the end of summer, and that is a big motivation to look good! Don't want Dr. K to scold me.
Chelle B.
on 3/9/08 1:00 am
I found out yesterday that we have a high school reunion at the end of May. If I could lose 15 lbs by then I would be on top of the world. It's funny, a male best friend of mine told me last week that my goal of losing 40 more pounds is ridiculous - that I can't lose more than 10 more. Woohoo for blindly loyal friends!
Nancy W
on 3/9/08 1:03 am
I think it's important that we keep our goals reachable. If not, we feel like failures and frustration sets in. At this point in your journey, 15 pounds is realistic by May.
Chelle B.
on 3/9/08 1:05 am
So... 1. Follow checklist 2. Watch those carbs and sugars 3. Move every day 3. Sleep more Shop for clothes in May!
on 3/9/08 3:42 am
Hey Chelle....I lost that chekclist....can you send me a copy please... thanks
Chelle B.
on 3/9/08 3:53 am
Check your email.
on 3/9/08 3:33 am - AR
VSG on 11/17/07 with
Amen! I finally accepted that I will NOT be skinny ever. I'm not built that way. I'm 'wide' or 'broad' or whatever you want to call it! And to think I'll ever have the shape of someone like Vivien Leigh when I'm built like Liza Minelli is STUPID and setting myself up for failure! I am NOT a size 26 today. I'm a size 16 and by golly...that's just fine with me!
on 3/9/08 1:22 am - NY
Oh, Good Topic. I really want to get into exercise this spring. And I'd love to drop 10 pounds by Memorial Day. It shouldn't be too hard cause I gained a few over the winter. I'm going to try to journal everything I eat. I may start tracking points.... not sure yet. I always watch fat content but pay no attn to carbs. I'll have to track it closely. 10 pounds sounds easy but we know it isn't!! It's On!!
on 3/9/08 1:51 am - AR
VSG on 11/17/07 with
I'm turning 52 in two weeks and I'm taking life more slowly. I actually have come to love myself even at this weight...lol. I'm in a 16 and quite happy with myself. BUT...I still have goals! #1: To continue to take classes and graduate with my masters in spring of '08 #2: To find a new job; under our new admin, our school has gone dooooooooooownhill quickly. Our old principal was one hell of a recruiter; this one doesn't have a clue #3: To make an appt. with the optometrist for a check-up and lenses in my craaaaazy new frames (hot orange with yellow flowers ones and blue Vera Bradley flowery girl ones) #4: To remind myself what things are truly important and what things just simply aren't #5: To eat healthier, drink more water, and get some exercise
Chelle B.
on 3/9/08 3:03 am
I turned 53 on the first - OMG I actually admitted that! Ha! I also still have goals and live comfortably in a 16 and some 14's. I am more focused on overall health at the moment, and keeping my job as there are so many layoffs happening my my company. I am so with you on #4 and #5 - it is all about life.
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