OT - please remember my friend in your prayers

on 3/8/08 11:27 am
I'm so sad tonight. I saw a friend of mine (actually my former manager) and when I first saw him I almost fell over because he's gotten so skinny. When I sat down with him he told me that he felt something wasn't quite right in December so he decided to have a complete physical....including a colonoscopy. They found a tumor and he is undergoing chemo.....they feel that he will be fine and it has not spread at all...lymph nodes are clean etc. My heart is broken....he's 36 and I've been telling him for 8 years that if only he were 5 years older I'd take him home with me............(he's a year younger than my middle child)...........I just love him so much and I'm devestated by this news. He's the sweetest guy....his dad died when he was 8 and he is the most incredible son and brother......his mom is a sweetheart and his sister is just a doll too. He has a 7 year old son with his former girlfriend and he loves the little boy beyond words. He's just a truly nice guy who would lay down in front of a train for his mom, sister and friends and just the thought of what he's going through is tearing me to bits. He was my manager when I sold cars and every Saturday morning I would bring in a cake that I would bake the night before...I was the only woman working with 25 men....which I thoroughly enjoyed.........and the guys used to wait for me to drive up to the dealership on Saturday mornings.........it was really pretty funny. Anyhow, I think I'll have to bake some goodies and get them over to him.....he's been having trouble keeping food down. So, please say some prayers for him.......to what ever being you believe in.... Thanks so much. Anita
Phyllis C.
on 3/8/08 11:50 am
Anita, I can feel the saddness in your post. It is a horrible thing that your friend is going through. I am sure that having you as a friend is a comfort to him. It sounds like with time and the right treatment he will get a second chance to continue being a great person who is loved by many. Put a lot of love in those goodies and he will be well in no time.
on 3/9/08 3:01 am
Thanks Phyllis.....I think a tray of double chocolate brownies will help....it sure would help me (but not my hips)
Nancy W
on 3/8/08 12:25 pm
Anita, That is so sad, but hopefully it was caught early. I hate cancer. I lost both of my parents to it. My mom was the age I am now and she was dying.
on 3/9/08 3:07 am
Thanks Nancy....my heart is still so heavy over this and all the kind words from my OH friends surely helps me feel the care and support. I hope and pray that he'll be fine.
on 3/8/08 3:24 pm - NY
Awwww that is really sad. It definitely puts things in perspective, that's for sure. I Thank God he had the good sense to go to the Dr. when he realized something wasn't right....so many people don't. I have no doubt he'll love the goodies....They'll probably be better than the treatments. He'd in my prayers for a successful recovery..... - Ann
on 3/9/08 3:10 am
Thanks Ann, he's seeing a doctor in the city who apparently has done extremely well with several people he knows....the guy sounds like a bigshot at one of the big hospitals. I was so upset as he was tellilng me all of it and I was desperately trying not to start crying, so I missed some of the names....but most of all, he trusts this guy and his solid reputation.
on 3/8/08 3:33 pm - Sayville, NY
That is so sad... I really hope that the doctors have treated him in time. He is in my prayers and my thoughts...
on 3/9/08 3:11 am
Thanks Marcia....we just never know what's around the corner in life.....it just is so unfair that good people get so sick....and so damn young. Your kind thoughts are much appreciated.
on 3/8/08 9:06 pm - TN
Such sad news and shocking, he is so young but he does seem to have a good chance at beating this and he has good freinds like you plus a good family by his side . Try and keep up hopes and see what happpens, I understand your feelings oh so well ..it brings back a heartbreaking memeory for me !
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