Greetings from New Orleans, Peeps!

(deactivated member)
on 3/8/08 10:03 am
Hey ya'll! We (my mom, my bestest friend, Stella, and me) are in New Orleans. We drove. Normally, it takes 5.5 to 6 hours depending on weather, how we feel, bio-breaks, etc. Well, this time, it took 7 daggone hours. The wind was fierce and a couple of times, I thought the wind would take my van off the road. And then there was the phone calls from my siblings every friggin' hour. Where are ya'll? And my response? Stop calling me! So they call my mom who slept most of the way there. They kept interrupting her sleep which made my life even more hard because then I had to deal with a grouchy 82 year old child. And did I say how cold it was the entire trip? It warmed up to 44 degrees. And before you Northerners open your mouths, let me say that I don't care that that's summertime to you. I am a pround wimp. It was friggin cold! We get to my sister's house and she has this food that was so horribly prepared but she meant well. I got out of there as soon as I could. Stella and I are staying at a hotel because I need my sanity and I won't get it there. So we are using my frequent stay points. We are staying at the JW Marriott in downtown New Orleans! WooHoo! Now, I'm sure that those of you who think you know me well think that this is a crappy, whinny, complaining email. Well, it is but the fun is just beginning. Stella and I drive up to the hotel, we get our bags out. I dont see that bags are behind me. I back up. I fell straight back on my ass. I don't mean a$$. I mean my ASS. Now, let me give you some history. The one thing that Stella hates is when folks quote Streetcar Named Desire and yells, 'Stellllllllla!' And what did I do as I realised that I was going backwards big time? 'Stellllllllla!' And what did she do? She quoted Irkle with 'Did I do that??' Suffice it to say, I got up and walked in the lobby like the Phenomenal Woman that I am, even though some folks where looking at me in shock, some were trying not to laugh (like the heifa behind the counter checking me in) and some where loyal to the end. That would be Stella who did not laugh until we were in our rooms as she was handing me the Tylenol that we both knew I would need to not be too sore today. Moral of the story: It ain't that serious. Show some love folks! Off to the casinos!
Chelle B.
on 3/8/08 10:09 am Truly I am n.... oh hell did anyone get photos???? Good luck at the casino and have tons of fun.
(deactivated member)
on 3/9/08 10:14 am
The machine wasn't feeling me last night or today. But I had a lovely time eating crawfish on Lake Pontratrain while Stella took pics of the people and fed the seagulls. And no, she didn't take pics of me falling. It all happened too fast. But yesterday, one of the men that was checking in just happened when I so gracefully fell pointed to me and said, 'Look honey, it's the girl that fell last night!' What could a sista do? I bowed like Ms. Nellie Bowman taught me for my debutante presentation. She would have been proud!
Chelle B.
on 3/9/08 10:26 am
Heck, Simone, I am ALWAYS proud of you!
Cindy W.
on 3/8/08 10:26 am
Simone , You crack me up ! We went hiking in the mountains on a trail we do every time we go and I slipped on a wet rock { was taking a picture of a waterfall that we have I don't know how many pictures of } and my husband just sat there ! of course there were at least twenty people standing around and of course some came to my rescue but he just sat there said he was just going to see if I could get up ... I did and I walked back down too ... sure did use the jucuzzi in our room though . Talk about embarassed . The funny thing is the last time we were there another lady fell and I knew that rock was slippery ... I just couldn't avoid it because there were so many people standing around . I'm with you on the weather. Here on the Fl. Gulf Coast it has been rainy { not today } windy and cold to the bone . Even with a high of 60 today the wind made it miserable . ~ Cindy
(deactivated member)
on 3/9/08 10:19 am
The concierge who took my keys when we checked in and was talking to me when I fell evidently is working this entire weekend because we've seen him every day and he says everyday, 'You feeling betta chere?'
Phyllis C.
on 3/8/08 10:30 am
Ya gotta stay off of the sauce Simone....I saw some of your buddies in Dallas last week. I met TAW and other Texans while I was there last week. You are going to have to have a talk with TAW. She wants to steal my son away from you. Have fun and just be good to Mama or you will be taking more tylenol after she gives you a good whuppin. Love ya, Phyllis
(deactivated member)
on 3/9/08 10:22 am
If I had been drinking, it wouldn't have been so bad. But I was just plain ole tired. I heard that you were going to be in Texas. Hope your time there was good.
Nancy W
on 3/8/08 11:51 am
Sounds like a wild time Simone! You are so funny with your stories. Sorry you fell, but that was hilarious!
(deactivated member)
on 3/9/08 10:28 am
It is pretty funny now. It was pretty funny 15 minutes later. But at the time, it was not funny at all. Today, I got to show my best friend some of my childhood favorites. It was awesome even though the city isn't what it was. Today, we went to Lake Pontratrain and sat out there and talked about how I would come there with my dad and Mr. Henry. They would fish and I would listen to their WW2 stories and feed the seagulls.
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