Folks, one of these days you're gonna have to get used to the fact that forums are OPEN TO THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD, and that any sense of "privacy" or "safety" or "refuge" is very misplaced.
I have a great deal of empathy for the desire to have a safe place of refuge and some degree of privacy or sense of ownership of a place where people can share with one another. THIS VENUE IS NOT IT.
If you want to create a "safer" place, one that you feel more assured about calling your "own," there are many places online where you can build your own forum and make it invitation-only. Yahoo Groups, MSN Groups,, Delphi Forums....These are just a few of the older, better known platforms where you can do this.
But as far as Obesity Help forums go, *especially* the forums that are still in this older format, there is no such thing as a private place. If you don't want to risk ANYONE IN THE WORLD reading *and* responding to your stuff, don't post on OH. It's really that simple. This place is not and probably will never be all things to all people.