What would you do?

on 3/6/08 7:05 am - , OH
But you ARE brash and nasty when it clearly ISN'T called for. You are over here on the LAPBAND VET forum in order to spread the DS word? Don't think there are any preops here. I haven't judged you on your picture alone. I haven't judged you PERIOD. Actually I don't much care what picture you use as an avatar. I have read some of your profile, and if memory serves, there are pictures of you where you look gorgeous and friendly. Why don't you try one of those for an avatar.
on 3/6/08 7:42 am - Huntsville, AL
Okay, so you haven't judged me, yet you say I am brash and nasty when it isn't called for? Aight....gotcha. And I'm here by INVITATION because when someone's trash talkin' me where I can see it, I'm invited as far as I'm concerned. Furthermore, you presume to tell me what avatar pic I should use....like I VALUE your opinion, or sumthin. Oh, and I guess that was uncalled-for brashness, too. And I was just starting to think you were intelligent.....*sigh*
on 3/6/08 8:50 am - , OH
I don't presume to tell you what avatar to use. I am just giving you my opinion ... and I don't care if you value it or not. But I did say that I saw other pictures on your profile where you looked very beautiful and more friendly. Apparently you derive most of your ego satisfaction by telling lapband and rny WLS patients that they are dumber than a post because they didn't have the DS. I could care LESS if you value my opinion or not. You seem to have a following on YOUR board who LOVE it when you insult RNY or Lapband patients. Perhaps you should look within to see why you get such ego satisfaction from telling other WLS patients how STUPID they are. Enjoy your weight loss success and stop trying to make others, who have chosen another way........feel stupid. It really is not very flattering to you to take this approach.
on 3/6/08 6:19 am
Leanne: I find it very interesting that your excuse for trolling the main lap band board is that you must convert unsuspecting potential lap banders to DS. So why are you here? That excuse doesnt fly on the vet board. By the way I believe you, I'm sure you were always a *****
on 3/6/08 6:39 am - Huntsville, AL
I'm here because someone forwarded me this post. I was obviously missed, judging by the conversation, so here I am! Here's a clue. If yawl wanna forum that you TRULY control and where you can have full privacy: http://groups.yahoo.com/start
on 3/6/08 6:53 am
No one forwarded you this thread...you come here and look cause you cant wait to cause problems. Here is a clue for you....you being mentioned wasnt a compliment and no one cares about you trying to defend yourself or convince us of how beautiful and smart you are and no one wants to get to know the REAL Leanne. We just dont care....but you need attention wherever you go. Thats why you have chosen that pic for your avatar...I mean seriously?
on 3/6/08 7:47 am - Huntsville, AL
Oh, believe me I DON'T come here and look. I KNOW yawl love to hate me, and my presence here today is the most action this forum has ever seen, I'm guessing. I'm gonna leave now, before the mods come and force me, but I'll drop in again anytime if yawl just say the word. I have eyes in many places. I'm betting yawl will have me back to spice up the place.
on 3/6/08 7:53 am
Believe me we will make a pact here on the Island to never again say the words: Yawl Red Dress ***** DS DS ***** tits straight up etc. You will be known forth with as "she who must not be named". (if even that) If you wonder why you are getting no mercy from me, its because my friend who started this thread was asking for support in a vulnerable time..you should not be here as you are not offering support in any way.
Chelle B.
on 3/6/08 10:08 am
What a sad life....
on 3/7/08 2:40 am - Huntsville, AL
Yup, if I had a week to live I would eat, make love and play with puppies and kittens. Hey, wait.....that's what I do now!!!! My life SUCKS!!! Waaaaaaaaaaa!
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