What would you do?

on 3/7/08 12:00 pm - Small Town, OH
Of course, your flattered. You're delusional. You have no concept of reading for information and education. Aren't you the one who said you only came here for support? I read EVERYTHING...and unlike you, I actually remember it and comprehend it. And, since when is reading, remembering and responding stalking? Oh wait...here you are again...hypocrite, liar, contradition and of course, uneducated misinterpretation. I bet you believe the Easter Bunny stalks you too...better watch out, springs coming! And, I'd LOVE to hear any evidence that "nut jobs" as you call them, are attracted to psychology. Talk about pop theories. Do you believe the world is flat too? You're really showing your intelligence here. No wonder you're leaving here empty handed.
on 3/7/08 12:06 pm
Thanx for the last post..I wont have to take my Tylenol pm this evening......
on 3/7/08 12:26 pm - Small Town, OH
So now we can add insomniac to the list.
Nancy W
on 3/7/08 12:32 pm
Sylvia, I'm sure you have a point that you would like to make here. Can you make it so we can understand WITHOUT personal attacks? I'm not sure where we're going with this....
on 3/7/08 12:48 pm - Small Town, OH
Nancy-- If you read through the post (and no...I certainly don't blame you for not doing so), you'll see where the attacks started. I merely respond. But, please feel free to ask Piece of Work to make her point without personal attacks too. She used personal attacks first ("Sylvia--You are truly one of the lowes****tage bulbs in the drawer" but her latter stalker claim was my personal, hysterical fave). But, I guess you also assume that I should not defend myself either, right? It seems that there's a lot of "I like to di**** out, but I can't take it" mentality here on the island. Again, please direct your question regarding personal attacks to Work since that's where your issue should lie. But, don't worry, I won't be holding my breath. Also...please note that her disclaimer before her inital personal attack..."Oh hell...why not...I'll be moving to a DS free zone anyway....." Maybe then you'll start to see the point as you ask yourself "Why is she STILL posting HERE then?". Again...contradictions, lies and misinformation. How do you stand it?
Nancy W
on 3/7/08 12:55 pm
I think tempers certainly flare. We've seen it for a couple of days. I think you should defend yourself, and I don't have a problem with that. I can assure you that the "work in progress" that I know is kind, supportive, opinionated, and passionate. What she is guilty of is sticking up for her friends. She posts here, because she started this group. If she leaves, it will be a great loss for us, and I will understand it, but I hope she doesn't. I think we can all get past this. We're all in this together, this vicious OBESITY battle. My best to you Sylvia.....
on 3/7/08 1:15 pm - Small Town, OH
That's exactly how I feel about LeaAnn too! She's the type of person who would bend over backward to help you if you needed it. Her compassion is unsurpassed. Perception is indeed reality. I hope you continue to stay and post here, regardless of who started it/brought you here. With that being said, I'm also a big proponent of supporting newbies too so this concept of posting here where newbies "aren't invited" is kind of disturbing to me. But, my WLS is much different than yours, so I'm sure that shapes my perception too. Since we've known of this forum for quite some time, I would hope that you would see the respect that has been shown as we NEVER posted here before...even when tremendously tempted (if you re-read through some previous postings, it might make some of you blush). I think there was a lot of self control shown. We avoided it when the DS or DSers in general were attacked. We only posted here once our friend was personally attacked. Then, after I did so...in a very non-confrontational way, I was personally attacked as well. So, yes, tempers flared and I held nothing back. Nor will I should I be personally attacked again. I do appreciate your understanding in that. Thank you for wishing me your best. That was certainly kind. I do hope you acheive success in your battle too.
Nancy W
on 3/7/08 12:14 pm
I was probably one of the ones who told you about the blasphemy. I like what Susan said earlier. My faith is not up for discussion or debate (not an exact quote...), and I was disgusted at some of the comments I heard. Disgusted is not even a strong enough word. I have no desire to know some people on these forums. They've exposed themselves enough for me.
on 3/7/08 12:16 pm
Actually, I think we talked about the sweaty crotch post and the relegious posts in Monday night chat with Di. You told me I wasnt misisng anything at the R&R forum. I believed you.
Nancy W
on 3/7/08 12:34 pm
You're right L, I did fill you in on the latest. You were clueless as to what had been going on. (no offense)
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