What would you do?

Nancy W
on 3/6/08 10:05 am
The point is Carol, is there are NO pre-ops here, so there is nobody to warn. You can find plenty of them on the Main Board. Why don't you warn them? What is your agenda? Do you want to help people? Do you want them to know that you have the superior surgery and that you are right? What is your goal here?
on 3/6/08 10:18 am
Her agenda is transparent..she sees someone having band problems and comes over here salivating, clapping her hands with glee, while she stands over them kicking them when they are down. Its truly disgusting. There is no defense for this behavior.
on 3/6/08 12:20 pm - Small Town, OH
It seems that LeaAnn's agenda here is only one of defense. I mean...was she not attacked on this very public forum with the assumption that DSers didn't know that it was here and being misused (as it obviously listed as an international forum and not a sanctuary for vet banders)? I would hope that if the DSers had used a public forum on OH as their "special place" and said something degrading about you and you read it, you would come to defend herself. That's simply an issue of self respect.
on 3/6/08 1:49 pm
Oh hell...why not...I'll be moving to a DS free zone anyway..... Buckeye Sylvia: You are truly one of the lowes****tage bulbs in the drawer. I mean on this very thread it was explained why this "international forum" is being used by bandsters as a band vet forum. Since I know that you have attacked Phyllis in the past it doesnt suprise me that you are here under the pretense of sticking up for the Red Dress-Yawl-batting-her-eyelashes-DS-spokeswoman. Why do the same 2 or 3 of you always show up? Does she PM you or something? By the way Irish Myst....who is otherwise known around these parts as "green fart" did attack me on the R&R forum but was cowardly enough to block most of us. (I believe your name was mentioned too) I didnt go defend myself against what she had to say because she is a boil on the butt of humanity....and no one cares. So no...its not simply an issue of self respect...its an issue of ALWAYS trying to provoke people into a fight..thats also why you are here.
on 3/6/08 2:13 pm - Small Town, OH
LOL...Work, you're always good for a laugh. I've read this forum for a while...LeaAnn didn't PM me. I read it before she even posted here. But, please keep on with your theories of behavior. And, everyone knows of your inferiority complex where I'm concerned so please save your insults. They don't work. As far as Phyllis, I think we have a "mutal ***** understanding". I hate to hear of her suffering and have been reading her post about it on the other band forum. I'm glad she's research and considering a sleeve. It appears to be a great option for her (ironic how you were the only vet bander to take an oppposing stance). I hope she's successful. As a matter of fact, my own surgeon is considering not performing the band any more in favor of the sleeve. Again, I do hope she's successful and that she finds peace in her decision. I have no idea what you're talking about regarding Irish Myst and her posting on the R&R forum. But, I HAVE read plenty of your own postings here concerning her...rather passive agressive. Again, the irony.
on 3/6/08 11:45 pm
Wowza! You truly lower my estimation of your I.Q. every time you post. I did not take a stance against the sleeve...but as usual you will have to re-read my post to get it. And as far as Irish Myst goes I would say my stance is just plain aggressive...no passive involved. I say what I am thinking and she cant reply because she is a troll. It gives me great pleasure to think of her reading it (and she does) and banging her fist against her desk pissed that she cant respond. You on the other hand are always anti-climatic you respond and I think, "what the hell she doesnt get one thing thats going on?" No irony, no pop psychology words, just simple concepts that go right over your head.
on 3/7/08 8:05 am - Small Town, OH
When will it ever occur to you that I don't care at all what you think? And, I hardly take any reference you make to my intelligence or success as anything other than envy. It doesn't take any type of "pop psychology" to see that. You may refer to Myst as the "green fart"...but I think green suits you much better. Your very own words come back to constantly contradict you. On this thread you chastize us for defending our friend and then in another you say "I can't keep my mouth when my friends are attacked." You're such a hypocrite! And, then you say "my stance is just plain aggressive" in reference to posting on a forum that you've already said is "by invitiation only"...obviously, Myst isn't invited. She has every ability to post here as it's a PUBLIC forum where you can't utilize the block feature. Have you grasped that concept yet? It's actually quite simple. I understand that you might not comprehend the nature of passive agressive behavior, but honey, you're text book. As you can imagine, I don't need a climatic response...that's your desparate attempt at attention seeking and group approval. I don't seek such things. I'm intrinsically motivated. You also claim on this thread that OH gave you their "blessing" for this seizing this international forum and deeming it your own. Yet, in another post, you claim that they refused to give you a vet band board because they weren't creating any new forums....then, POP! Up-goes a new Rant and Rave forum. You could almost see the steam shoot from your ears like a Bugs Bunny cartoon. And, you did take an opposing stance to the other banders who posted. As a matter of fact, I believe you said it was ironic (or something of the like) that the vet banders were pro-sleeve. Humm...Ironic indeed. You also rattled on about loving your band...blah, blah, blah. I'm sure that was very supportive to Phyllis who you claim is your dear friend. Wow...with friends like you, who needs enemies? It also appears as if you're losing your own following. Looks like the other banders like it here and plan to stay. I'm sure it's very upsetting that they've decided not to follow you where you tell them they should go. Imagine that...independent thinkers. Congratulations to them! And, I love the "if you need me, you'll know where to find me" farewell. I'm betting they'll be just fine here without you.
on 3/7/08 10:51 am
BLAH BLAH BLAH...Didnt read past the first paragraph...you truly like to hear yourself type.
on 3/7/08 11:26 am - Small Town, OH
Hypocrite, thy name is Work...or is that Piece of Work? Just read your suck-up-to-LeaAnn post on your "what will I ever do now" thread. Talk about liking to hear yourself type...and ohhhh the pop psychology. LMAO! Of course, my favorite newest contradiction was how you claimed you NEVER went to any other boards...yet referenced Scott's sweaty crotch thread on the R&R forum. Contradictions, lies and hypocritical assessments. No wonder your followers have chosen not to do what you demand of them. Besides, didn't you already post your "good bye cruel forum" thread already? Oh wait...I forgot...you're a walking contradiction.
on 3/7/08 11:31 am
I was pm'ed more than once about the sweaty crotch post. I also have been pm'd several times about the relegious blasphemy post. I have not gone to the R&R forum. Believe what you want. I dont have a following they are called F-R-I-E-N-D-S. I know you dont understand that concept. I typed something civil to Leanne and I am sucking up to her? You are so freakin mental. Oh wait thats right nut jobs are attracted to psychology. Thank you for reading every word I type...I am flattered. Because as you said you dont care what I think. Quit stalking me freak job and get some help.
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