I think I'm a little messed up

on 3/2/08 5:37 am
I've been struggling with the flu all week and am finally starting to feel a bit better. Wednesday I had a fever of about 102 til around 9 PM when I shot up to 104 and stayed there through Friday mid day when I got back down to 102. By yesterday I varied between 101 and 100. Today I'm at 97.5. (yes, you read that right - 97.5, not 98.6) The other night I got into bed with sweats, thick socks, furry booties, a fleece robe and a down comforter...I also bumped up the thermostat by 5 degrees over where I normally keep it........could not stop shivering. Right now I'm wearing sweats, heavy socks, fur lined clogs and a fleece robe.........sitting next to a space heater and the thermostat has not been changed from the other night. I'm still shivering. AND I'm getting sick of trying to warm my insides with chicken soup.......maybe I'll switch to some other kind of soup. Any suggestions or thoughts as to why I'm shivering both ways???? This is wierd...and hopefully will be gone soon.........my entire body aches, even my eyelashes! Thanks, Anita
Cindy M
on 3/2/08 6:05 am - somewhere in, CT
I'm so sorry you are sick, Anita. The flu this year is like none I have ever seen before. I actually had a student (grade 5) rushed to the hospital the other day with it. She was dehydrated. Just listen to your body. Give it the rest and fluids it needs to recover. It sounds like you almost through with it. Hang in there! Cindy
on 3/2/08 6:46 am
Thanks Cindy, I was considering going back to work tomorrow, but I think it will be wiser to give myself one more day...especially since I work closely with people. Yup...I'm forcing fluids as much as possible, but it's been tough cause my throat was so sore I could hardly swallow. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. I'm finding it amazing that I am so wobbly from this.....I came out of my surgery stronger than this.....and faster, and with considerably less pain. WOW!!! It's also a good thing that I'm not putting up a new photo of what I look like today....it would be pretty scary. Anita
Phyllis C.
on 3/2/08 7:01 am
Anita, that sounds horrible. Your fever is making you have the chills. Once that fever breaks, you should start feeling better. When I have the flu I drink oj and spicey chicken broth with lemon juice and garlic. Hot tea with honey is good too. Also, as soon as you are up to it, take a hot bath with epsom salts and table salt. That draws out a lot of toxins and makes you feel human again. Then get in bed and cover up and sweat out even more toxins. Take care and feel better
on 3/2/08 7:40 am
I wish I knew why I have the chills even tho my temp is below normal. Have been loading up on chicken soup (Jewish Penecillin) and lots of fluids.....appetite finally returned last night, but didn't eat much before my stomach said....that's enough! Took a nice hot shower this morning and washed my hair.........that wiped me out completely...am all wrapped up in warm clothes, but can't seem to get warm....I almost wish I could sweat...... Oh well, tomorrow is another day. Thanks for you get well wishes.
(deactivated member)
on 3/2/08 7:07 am - back in jeans, CT
[[[[[[[[[[[HUGS]]]]]]]]]]]] ANITA! I am sooooo sorry you feel so bad.. Must feel aweful to have that. Maybe you need antibiotics by now.. I would go to the doc for something if I were you hon! Take care of yourself Anita, because the flu is nothing to fool with.. Drink, drink, drink.. HUGS, CN
on 3/2/08 7:54 am
Yup...it's pretty rotten........I've got a prescription for Tamiflu (it damn well better work..it cost me $46 on top of the insurance) and I'm taking Mucinex DM and Tylenol. Saw the doctor on Thursday and she told me.....bed rest, fluids, more bed rest and more fluids.......and I'm listening (not that I've had much choice). Hopefully in a day or so I'll be back on track. Thanks....hugs back at ya.....cyber hugs for now....soon as I'm recovered, I'll take a drive up there on a weekend and let's have lunch. Anita
Chelle B.
on 3/2/08 8:53 am
Oh Anita - I am sorry to hear that. This year the flu has been horrible, and keeps going around the office. I took this 4 day weekend primarily to recoup. I keep going hot to cold so I change clothes all day. Now the chicken chili I made today would warm you up!
on 3/2/08 9:25 am - DFW, TX
I have no advice but just wanted to say I hope you feel better soon! Tonya
on 3/2/08 12:03 pm - Sayville, NY
I'm so sorry that you are suffering. I had the same thing about a week ago. My Mother would have said that the only soup when you are sick is chicken soup. Of course we know that there are other options... Why don't you try hot tea. Maybe with honey and lemon. My grandmother said that would knock any cold out of you. I guess it will work for the flu too. Make sure you are getting in plenty of liquids and take tylenol to keep down the fever. I will always be a Jewish Mother you know... What good did my flu shot do this year? Feel better and try to keep yourself warm! Marcia
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