Need your help!!!!

Karen D.
on 2/28/08 10:25 pm - NY
Revision on 11/24/15
This is really weird. Go to the Rants & Raves board under the post of "Work Annoyances". Go down to the post by DeeDee.....check out her signature line. What does it say? When I look at her sig line in it says that my IP address is (whatever # is there) and then specifically states where I work, which is where I am logged into OH right now!!It's like it's pulling my computer information into the thread!! I'm wondering if it does this with you when you go to that thread. Does it specify your IP address and where that IP is located??? This is so bizzare....I thought it was our Dee, but it says member since 2003, no surgery type....I'm really freaked out! Will you guys tell me what you see?
Sharon T.
on 2/28/08 10:33 pm - Southern , WI
Yes, honey, I saw that first thing this am, and am not sure what to do about it! I am going to report it to OH, which will do no good! Also, just because it says she has been a member since 2003, anyone can lie! I'll let you kno what I hear, if anything! UNREAL!~
Karen D.
on 2/28/08 10:55 pm - NY
Revision on 11/24/15
Does it pull your own IP address? I was thinking that it was broadcasting my ISP provider information all over the OH board!! I don't care if some people know where I work, but some things have to be private to certain people!
Sharon T.
on 2/28/08 11:05 pm - Southern , WI
It shows me MY info, but I don't like the idea, that, that person, may somehow be able to get this info for themselves! I mean if they figured out how to do what they've done, they may compile this stuff, and give it to someone else! She even had "Let it snow, let it snow," at the bottom, like she knew where I was! I reported it, but I bet they do nothing!
Karen D.
on 2/28/08 11:49 pm - NY
Revision on 11/24/15 it's showing whoever is looking at the post their own ISP information. That's not right and I'd like to post something to her to take it off, but I may be inviting trouble.
on 2/28/08 11:52 pm - MA
OMG - I've seen that before. It's evidently a certain program that can be added. I've seen it before on LowCarbFriends years ago. It was mostly used as a joke back then. Actually my husband was showing me something like that last night - dssearch - I think it's called.
on 2/28/08 11:53 pm - AL
I've heard of this type of thing. It doesn't actually track/store the IP addresses. It just flashes the viewer's IP addy back to them. From the website that hosts the signature graphic: " doesn't log the IP addresses of people that view our signature graphics - we simply host the custom signatures. When a request comes in to display a signature, our software creates the sign "on-the-fly", and displays the viewer's IP and other computer info on the sign. Our software draws a new sign for every single person that views it. The signature graphic is not a website statistics tool. It cannot be used to tell you who is visiting your website because we do not provide that service, and as mentioned above, we don't even know who is viewing the signs since we don't log that information." This isn't a web tracking or statistics software. This is just something people put up to freak others out. Now every website does get IP addy info every time you visit (though you already know that). But the ticker/signature graphic only mirrors your information back to you. Doesn't store it. Doesn't really track it.
Karen D.
on 2/29/08 12:10 am - NY
Revision on 11/24/15
Thanks!! That's a relief. I'm not a computer geek so I wasn't sure what was going on!!
Kate -True Brit
on 2/29/08 1:18 am - UK
I reported it and its been blocked. Thanks OH. Kate
Kate -True Brit
on 2/29/08 1:22 am - UK
No it hasn't! I looked again and there it is. But I did post to ask her why she wants to freak people out. Kate
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