the adventure continues...Elliott Grace is here...
Well, CONGRATS, honey! You sure are busy, and a GREAT Grammy! ha I'm still praying about th biopsies, and maybe you should contact Sally for prayers, from the Warriors. Mail her at [email protected], hon! Thank you for sharing all of this with us, and I can't wait to see the pics!

Hey stranger.... glad to see you are settling in.... in the big Miss.....
don't let the old saying Mississippi is the fastest state in the least you have the
Sorry to hear about you DIL I will keep her in my prayers...
Also congrats Grandma.....
my best friend had her baby yest. also...3 wks early it weighed 6lb 1oz....(girl) don't know when she will be able to leave her blood pressure is higher todayy 167/98 so they are really having to moniter... she is in Memphis at the baptist east....
email me I lost all email addresses when My computer crashed....
HOpe things are going better....
I will call you the next time we go to Lloyd's fathers house he lives in Forest.... try to get a little rest..... ya right....