Big Medicine - Melina band
I had questions abour the Big Medicine show that had the woman they were revising from the "Melina band." So, I checked with my surgeon's patient advocate (she and I are friends so we email back and forth a lot). Here is her reply:
I came in the next day and asked Srikanth about it. The Melina band was created by Dr. Melina in Texas many many years ago, it is basically a rubber band that is placed around the stomach that is non-adjustable, he said it did not work well at all.... Srikanth couldn't believe that they left it in, and still revised her to a bypass.
So, mystery solved. It was nothing like the lapband!
The daughter/sister of the docs from Big Medicine comes on the main board to remind us to watch it every week. I have stopped watching as there usually is no band stories. Its interesting that its probably pioneers like this Dr. Melina (whose band unfortunately was a bust) that may have got us to where we are today. It sounds like they didnt expound on what the Melina band was on the show and thats unfortunate and can lead to misconceptions. I am glad you got connections Vicki!~