just posted this on the revisions board
I responded to a post and then decided to make it a new post....I don't know why...maybe I'm bored today?????
My recommendation is to discuss all options with your doctor and he or she is the best resource to advise you.
My band has been terrific (please ignore my signature line....I haven't figured out how to change it, so the stats are wrong). I've had zero problems and am enjoying life as I have not done in years....is it perfect??? No, but it's damn good and getting better. I am totally unaware of any apparatus inside my body and as long as I eat sensibly (this is a no brainer since I had this surgery to aid me in this quest) I'm comfortable and happy. ...As to not wanting a foreign body inside you.....I guess that person will reject a pacemaker should they need it? my son was wounded during the Gulf War and has a metal rod in his leg...it was either that or they were going to amputate it............enuf said on that one, what about stents for heart conditions.....shall I go on?????
Personally speaking...and I mean PERSONALLY...cause that's what works for ME.......I'd rather have a band than have part of my anatomy removed, stapled, etc.....BUT, that's what works for me....what works for anyone else is wonderful and I applaud their decision to do something to improve their health.......and I wish everyone (including band, rny, ds, etc......ANYONE) would stop bashing each other over what boils down to total nonsense...bull**** and any other term you might care to assign to such childish behavior. I find it very sad that on a support board, there is less support than we find in the "outside" world. I ended a friendship because the person was as unpleasant and difficult as many of the responses I've been seeing here..........in her case it was pure jealousy....here, I just see it as being sad.
Peace people!!!!!!!!!!!! It's enough....let's be supportive of each other so we can show the world that wls works and truly is a viable option for anyone suffering with morbid obesity. It's bad enough that the media makes us out to be nutcases and people who take the easy way out with gimmicks............WE NEED TO BAND (pardon the expression) TOGETHER TO LET THE WORLD KNOW THAT (any and all) WLS WORKS. If anyone wants to flame me, please save your time, I'm not interested in getting into a ******g match...but if you must, then I'll just wish you a pleasant day if you have nothing better to do on a sunny Sunday.
I am jealous of you too....can we still be friends? Ironically I am having a revision. When my Dr called it that I practically jumped out of my chair. I have a hiatal hernia and it is causing horrible reflux and interfering with the proper functioning of my my band by pulling up on it. I wish I had a clearer picture of what is acually taking place, but I know things are not right.
You are just the best. All of us that post on this board go back a ways and we have alway**** it off even if we don't always agree on everything. I think others may not understand the comradorie that we have with each other and may be a little jealous.
Now I am going to go check out the revision board and see what kind of **** you stirred up.
I must have missed the part that you are DEFINITELY having the revision! I am very bummed to hear that. You could be band bitter at this point and are not..thats amazing. The doc cant repair the hiatal hernia and leave the band in? Have you decided which surgery will work better for you now? I know I can speak for everyone when I say we are all on your side...whatever will work and get things moving for you...you deserve it. Why is it that the people that I really like and admire are the ones that end up with problems? Did we **** off the band gods at some point?
I am keeping my band, it is just going to be repositioned. That is what my Dr. calls a revision. The hernia is pulling the band up and out of position. It is no even a slip but it does cause the band to not work as intended. Sorry if I confused you. It is acutally good news in that when I get back into action the band my finally start working for me better than it has in the past.
That is exactly what is happening with my band and HH. I should get my repair on the 7th or 14th of March. Thank God! I can't wait! Let me know when yours is (and I'll let you know if the repair has helped my problems!)
BTW, Anita... excellent post. You will get flames shot at you, but just ignore those morons. They like to take peaceful posts (and especially by people that are enjoying their bands) and tear them apart. Just don't respond to any of them! They are the miserable people and you don't need that drama!
Thanks Alyssa,
I hope you're feeling at least a little better. That's good news that they're doing the surgery so soon...I'm sure you can't wait til it's done and you really have the chance to get back to being on the losing side.
As to anyone flaming me...so far, no one has done so, but I really don't care very much...I just think that anyone who flames someone just for the sake of flaming is pretty stupid. If someone takes exception to my words, so be it...I can deal.. I have better things to do with my life than be negative.
Have a great day.
I love to have dingbat friends!!!! so of course we can still be friends
I'm glad they've finally found the problems and are able to fix it. Try sleeping on your left side ...it helps me. I sent you an e-mail, but for anyone else "listening" in on this conversation....I've got a hiatal hernia too, but I don't have too many problems with it unless I sleep on my right side (the acid pools in the right side of the stomach and moves up through the esophogus...whether you do or do not have a band) and that's one of the causes of reflux...I had it before...less so since the band. The only other time I might have problems is if I eat no-no's like Oreos...there's something about the mix of sweet and fat that sets me off.
Stirring up ****I really don't care.....please refer to my response to Alyssa...
Basically speaking I don't have much patience for people who flame just to flame...it's stupid and sophomoric.........and I'm a long time past high school.
Smile...relief is just a short while away!