Should we out HeiDEE on the R&R board?
So heres the scoop. Dee is logging on here so she can see our posts as whatever hundreth identity she has and is going to the R&R forum and bashing us as Irish Myst. (which in that identity she claims to not know any of us) then she blocks us so we who are not trolls cannot see what she says. Of course we could play her game....but why would we?
She is a psycho freak who is so jealous that she cant be on our Island she is exterting all this effort to bash us, but of course is caught in her lies every time.
I dont feel sorry for her lonely sad pathetic life as she always raises so much cain everywhere she goes she ends up banished..(like from LBT at least twice that I know of.)
By the way she will read this and thats the point.
I have gotten sent pm's by people who arent blocked about what she is saying. She is trying to bait me back to R&R to tangle with her...not going to happen. I havent looked at R&R and wont.
Its says bunches that she feels she must come over here to read our stuff. If she came back as tomorrow's dream and herself...maybe she could join us here She wants to so badly....but alas....she can never join and out herself.
I like you fiesty! If you can see her stuff you arent blocked ....yet.
But this thread is all I needed to vent about wacko she will just be an unpleasant memory....maybe we should never speak of her again...
like "she that shall not be named"?
Chelle B.
on 2/23/08 9:33 am
on 2/23/08 9:33 am
Yeah, I noticed she always calls you out specifically. Must be a case of severe jealously. Of course after meeting you in person, and seeing how gorgeous you are - I understand that!!!
I would love the ability to ignore her. I haven't been successful yet, and I still get pissed off because I befriended her.
Well..thank you for sweet words! I know just what you mean about being her friend because for a long time I was too. I thought she could be incredibly funny when she would talk to Vicky or show her sense of humor....
Then as we all know the story started going south...she even changed her profile to say she had lost more weight than she had..? WTH? (she lied to get a century card) Then all the other lies and finally just outright attacks on Sandy R. and becoming Wendell's partner in crime... ****il they fell out)
Then death threats from her on beloved bandsters.
I mean we could call her soap opera "as the stomach turns".
The only thing I find remotely amusing in her story is that she terrorized the DS board for awhile.
I am taking a break for R&R too. I had a lovely day with my grandson. We watched choo choo train videos and snacked on popcorn.
I have no qualms about outing phonies if they are using their own identity. I can't understand the troll concept but I dont let myself get drawn in if I think someone is a sock puppet. I just cannot take anyone seriously who I suspect is hiding behind some fake identity. I would rather just not waste my time responding. I know people have valid reason for not posting a picture or using their name, but I prefer real faces. I would be at a loss if I couldn't see your face or Bridgets, or any of you lovely women on this board. I just think it is nice to be a bit trusting and a little old fashioned in this world of the internet. I have nothing to hide anyway. I don't think I would get a thrill out of communicating with anyone as someone other than me. I just don't get it.