Should we out HeiDEE on the R&R board?
Of course it's Dee. She has a race track for her ticker! Hello! She was a freak about horse racing...supposedly owning race horses with her Marlboro Man husband. And in Tennessee? Yeah...that's where her precious baby girl lives.
This is a woman who needs help. I have honestly come to the point that I feel terribly sorry for her. She has been outed with every name she's chosen to hide behind. She was outed for not truly having a fireman in her life (which is very sad...that she was so lonely and pathetic that she piggy-backed on a silly thread we had going on one night). She was outed for her spacious home with its fabulously landscaped yard (a small apartment, but my Lord...who cares where anyone of us lives? And yes, landscaping IS part of an apt. complex!). She's so involved in her church and with church friends, but she's always on here concocting new identities. She is like the proverbial bad penny...she shows up again and again.
Therefore, I realized that her life is lonely, sad, and lacking. And now it's my pity that she's garnered.