Ballooning up now!

Born Swimmer
on 2/22/08 12:49 pm - Sunny, FL
This is kind of long... so sorry... Ok... so I know that I have gained a lot of weight but I am ballooning now. I mean, really bad. I gained 30 pounds in the last 5 weeks. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE! (this is part of the reason for my frustrated post the other night on the band board... I am not usually so pessimistic or doubtful). Nothing has changed diet or exercise wise... I am just gaining at an alarming rate right now. For example, last week, there was a period of 4 days where I could not really keep anything down. I think I had a bowl of cereal one day and milk later... another day I had some mashed potatoes and then milk earlier that day. That was how it went for 4 days. My calorie intake was extremely low and what actually made it into my body and not in the toilet or sink was not much. I gained 4 pounds in those 4 days. How is that possible!?!?!?! I am on 4 meds that lead to weight gain (and I can't stop any of them... asthma, antidepressant, birth control, and one for my bladder). I am worried that those are contributing significantly to my weight gain (on top of lack of sleep, poor diet, and lack of exercise). I feel like I am losing control now. I know that getting my hernia repaired is the first step. I am going to see my internist about my meds next week and see if they can be modified. Also, I was finally able to find a gym that is within driving distance that has an indoor pool (it's in a nearby city, but at least there is ONE in this area). It's brand new, so that is why I never heard of it before. If anything, I will do water walking. Chlorine does irritate the urethra, but I'll give it a shot anyways. It will hurt my stomach (swimming always causes obstruction), but I pray that after the hernia repair, my swimming-obstruction issues will be gone/minimized. So, I do have a plan... but it doesn't change how down I am these days. I am not someone to just give up (I think that should be obvious by now), but I am just really struggling right now to keep my chin up and have patience. There is no other reason for the weight gain (hormones were checked months ago), just in case you were thinking about that. Unless something changed in the last 6 months, all hormonal tests are still normal. I am just gaining weight at tremendous speed... and there is nothing different from right now to what I was doing a month ago, or even a few weeks before that except for a few medication changes. Sorry, this was so long. Just having a rough time right now. It's nice to have a support group that understands!
on 2/22/08 1:44 pm - Sayville, NY
That weight MUST either be water weight or due to the medications you are taking. Don't be so hard on yourself. After the surgery to fix your problem I know you will be able to go back to basics and take off that weight. It may be slower than the first time but I know you can do it!
on 2/22/08 3:49 pm - Tacoma, WA
I'm so sorry Alyssa. I wish I could offer some advice, but I can't. What I can do is tell you I will keep thinking very good thoughts for you. I think the water exercise sounds like it will be good for you, both physically and emotionally. I hope it works for you. Take care of yourself. Vicki
Jeanine S.
on 2/22/08 9:04 pm - MI
We all have different experiences but I think we can all relate to the weight gain and the frustrations that brings. I have PCOS and no matter how little I ate my weight would continue to rise. I tried everything. I'd get some off, and then it would come back with a vengeance. The band is the first thing that has helped me lose weight AND keep it off... and you've had that experience too. It may seem like a long time ago to you right now, but you know you're heading in the right direction and that you're band will start helping you again soon. Keep your eyes on that light at the end of this long tunnel you've been in. It's gonna keep getting brighter the closer you get to it!!!
Sharon T.
on 2/22/08 10:15 pm - Southern , WI
Wow, I wondered how you could be gaining weight, and not eating ANYTHING!~The meds, have to be the bilk of it, hon! it won't be long, now, and you will finally be back on track, with this problem! Hang in, hon, we're with you!
Chelle B.
on 2/23/08 2:17 am
Oh Alyssa, I know it won't be long now until you start getting betting! Any news on the date for the hernia repair? Also, I think you should take a list of the meds you are taking - prescription, OTC and any supplements - take them to a pharmacist and let the pharmacist analyze them. It is a profession that requires annual training and perhaps there is a combination that is not working for you. I am planning to do the same with my meds soon - when we see different docs for things something can be missed. I would also recommend a recumbent bike - you can put it in front of the TV and ride 5 minutes at a time, if that's all you can do. It will add up, and there is no pressure to the joints. One last thought, have you heard of this? It might be something to ask about - so that you can keep the band fairly open - if you still have hunger issues after the hernia repair. StomaphyX Incision-Free Gastric Bypass RevisionIllustration of stomach pouch outlet before and after StomaphyX: Despite the remarkable record of gastric bypass surgery in achieving an average of 60-80% excess weight loss, there are some patients who are unable to lose as much weight as they would like or who start to re-gain weight a few years after surgery. The StomaphyX procedure offers them help without having to undergo traditional surgery. * Alters the small stomach pouch that was created in the original gastric bypass procedure, decreasing its volume and slowing the passage of food into the intestines. * There are no incisions. Consequently, there are no scars. * Procedure: While under anesthesia, the flexible StomaphyX device is gently lowered through the patient's mouth into the stomach pouch under the visualization of an endoscope "camera" placed down the shaft of the device. Once inside the stomach pouch, sections of the stomach wall are folded with multiple suture-like fasteners, making the pouch smaller. The illustration depicts the bottom of the stomach pouch before and after the procedure. * Approved by the FDA in 2007. Hundreds have been performed with overall risks much lower than traditional surgery. We love you - and this is the best support group ever!
Dev *.
on 2/24/08 1:13 am - Austin, TX
It just seems to me that that kind of gain is pysically impossible! Which leads me to think it is fluid weight. Do any of your meds cause fluid retention?? My mom went through a period where she rapidly gained about 50 lbs and most of it seemed to be in her stomach area. Turned out she was retaining fluid in her intestines!
Born Swimmer
on 2/24/08 1:53 am - Sunny, FL
To be honest, I can see the gain everywhere (face, arms, breasts, belly, legs)... but my belly is the largest change. It really is quite noticeable. I will ask my PCP about it. My gut is definately more pronounced than before. It could be fluid weight, but I just don't know. I don't think any of my meds cause retention. I'll look into it though. Thanks!
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