Thanks, y'all ... I'm testing and dragging
I'm posting here and on the DS board. Yes, seems like a strange combinations, but Life is tough right now and I just can't go through all the explanations for those people who are going to start freaking out and comparing symptoms. Your advice, support and prayers have been a Godsend today.
Before I got out of bed this morning, the radiology clinic called asking me to come back as soon as possible to take different angles for the radiologist. It's scary, but I was thinking maybe someone is finally on to something that's going to force someone to help me. So, I've gotten my second set of ultrasound pics without getting a GYN call-back yet.
Afterwards, I did an esophageal manometry. I had no idea what this was and I thought it was the same esophageal mobility tests that a lot of wls patients get. It was not. It involved pushing several feet of tubing into my nose, though my throat and esophagus and down into my stomach right past my lap band. I do not have the words to describe how painful this was.
I've been sleeping off pain meds ever since. I hope tomorrow brings some results that I can bring to "someone" to help me. I don't want this problem to be worst-case scenario, but the most qualified oncologist in town has always repeated that he will not operate on me without a confirmed cancer diagnosis. I'm determined to find someone who will stop this before it gets to that point.
Prayers, kind thoughts -- all appreciated,
OMG. I had the esophageal manometry test done in January. It was without a doubt the worst procedure I ever had to endure. The guy came back and said that I either had reflux or schleroderma. I then saw a GI doc who said that I didn't have either one. So it was not only painful but it was useless.
I am so sorry you are going through all this. It seems you have to pursue both options - gynecology and oncology - but it sure sounds like gynecology is more likely.
Wishing you the best possible outcome.
Frances - you have always been an icon for me. The strong woman type, which I always strive to be. I am sad to hear that you are so sick. It must be so defeating for you. I do pray that *someone* will be able to guide you in the right direction. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers for your pain but also prayers for the doctors that will be treating you. Lots of love and hugs and good thoughts are being sent your way. Take care and please keep us posted... when you can. Beth
Well, I certainly hope you hear something soon. I know the waiting is alomost worse, than the pain. you know, I'm praying for you, hon, and along with that, the hopes, it will not be a major situation. I can't for the life of me, figure, why it takes SO long for the doctors, nowdays to diagnose! Keep us posted, Sweetness!