The basic flaw with OH's R&R board
Actually, I think the r and r board is really funny! It actually makes me laugh! Someone from here (was it Chelle?) posted to say the lapband is best FOR ME!. The first few answers were great, all basically saying my WLS is best FOR ME! And then the idiots took over!!
Any of you guys study Psychology? There is a well known theory which is that when we make a choice, the harder it was to convince ourselves it was the right choice in the first place and the greater the possible consequences of that choice, the more blind we are afterwards to any other choice having any merit at all!! Sound familiar?
Classic, isn't it, Chelle?
The most aggressive in defending their choice are those whose choice was the hardest. They may say it wasn't, but no intelligent person is going to have such major surgery without a great deal of thought. I have no quarrel whatsoever with their decision. If it works for them - fantastic! If my band doesn't continue to be so fantastic for me, I will look at other WLS - and consider all types. But if it was an easy decision, they were not being sensible.
We had a less difficult decision. The surgery was less and the procedure can be reversed. It may be harder to lose weight but if we don't succeed we can, if we wish, have another form of WLS. So still a major decision but not as great as for others.
So, classically, we don't have to defend our choice so aggressively.
I am bound and determined to simply kill 'em with kindness. It actually gives me great pleasure to turn the other cheek, and demonstrate a different way to interact with people on a message board. But, I sure do appreciate those of you who make the reading more interesting, LOL.
I switched out my avatar when my daughter say the torso one, and said, "Gee, Mom, showing off much? LOL Hey, I *was* showing the DS'ers who were claiming that "lapbanders don't get to goal". The point was made, and now I'm off to my "happy place". There's no place like "oohhm".
And darlin' you are one gorgeous chick, and a real inspiration, too!