Saturday Exercise anyone?
Even though work has me stressed out to the max most days one thing I still do faithfully is exercise. It really does help with my stress - for a bit anyway, LOL. So, I just put on my running shoes and just went for 5 miles! I walked the first mile (psyching myself up) and then ran 3 (more like a slow jog) and then walked the last mile to cool down. There is something about a good sweat that makes me feel good. So how are you moving today?
Hi, honey! Well, cleaned house, and washed floors, the whole banana! ha plus did my regular exercises, early. made a bunch of phone calls, and talked to Sally for like an hour and a half! ha We can't stop, when we talk! I'm SO glad you're feeling better, sweetie! Good heavens, 5 miles! I can't even walk without my cane, so that is a GREAT feat, to me!