Really bad day...

on 2/15/08 6:52 am
RNY on 12/26/17
I can't stop crying and I just want to eat something.... something full of fat, and oozing with cheese and grease. But I know it will make me sick. I can't remember ever being so stressed out and feeling so overwhelmed. I would go into details but there is too much to write. I am experiencing reflux just from stress.
on 2/15/08 7:12 am - Canada
Beth I am sorry for your bad day. Step away from the kitchen! Can you go for a walk or have a bubble bath and a glass of wine? Hope you feel better soon, Mary
on 2/15/08 7:53 am - NY
OMG Beth. I'm so sorry you're having such a bad day. Knowing you, it's not an exageration so I'm sure there's something going on. Take some time...remember to breathe....and remember that whatever it is, it will pass....good, bad or indifferent. Try to relax if possible....maybe a glass of wine? I wish I could offer more.....and if there's anything that I can say or do, please let me know. You're definitely in my thoughts and prayers that you get through whatever it is that has you bothered. - Ann
Chelle B.
on 2/15/08 7:57 am
Beth, I am sorry to hear that you are having such a rough day. It will pass. You are strong, funny, intelligent and beautiful - and we love you. Chelle
Phyllis C.
on 2/15/08 8:04 am
Beth, I seem to get that way often. I really do not understand the compulsion to eat. It is what I turn to for everything. I have not been feeling well and when I get tired and run down I just want to eat until I can't eat anymore. Does it fix anything, no! But like it or not food is a powerful comfort. It seems to fill in the cracks and smooth out the edges at least for a moment. It really is a vicious cycle and how do you break it? I wish I had some answers for you. I just seem to go back and forth between feeling optimistic and ready to be healthy to not giving a damn and just wanting to forget about anything that is the least bit taxing and eat, eat, eat. This WL stuff is hard. I know it is for me and I envy the folks who seem to have the will to beat it. Ya know what Beth, I think the best thing is to come here and talk about it with your buddies and just get through it moment by moment. Friday nights are really hard for me because I am tired and just don't want to be bothered with anything, only the things that give me comfort and pleasure. I hope you get things worked out and feel better. If you find out how to not eat over it, will you let me know how you did it?
on 2/15/08 8:08 am - Tacoma, WA
I'm so sorry you are having such a bad time. Please hang in there, and remember no matter how much you want it right now, the food really won't make you feel better. In fact, the times that I have given in, I ended up feeling worse after. Take care of yourself and I'll keep you in my thoughts.
on 2/15/08 8:31 am
RNY on 12/26/17
I know Chelle won't mind if I share this with you all since I just sent this to her in an email. I am a third grade teacher and well... this is the story of my day. Oh Chelle - I don't even know where to start. Back in October a new kid appeared in my room - I think he is emotionally disturbed (but there is not diagnoses from a doctor) and I am physically and mentally tired. I want to eat - J-U-N-K! I want to pig out! I am so stressed and I am always tight because of the stress. Today was just the icing on the cake - flying pencils, flying books, flying stuff from out of his desk, flying chairs, flying desks! I can't teach because of this child. I am fearful for others safety. I work with an incompetent special educator. My principal tries to help and so does my vice principal but they can't be there the entire school day. Today was Jump Rope for Heart. The boy came into the room in the morning (I can always tell when it is going to be a good or bad day by the way he comes into my room) and he tells me that I never gave him a permission slip. I told him I didn't give out the permission slips because the gym teacher did that. I also told him that he probably didn't get one because he always leaves gym class. That set him off - throwing things - so I called the office and someone came to get him. I fully expected him NOT to participate in the activity. WHEN I WALKED INTO THE GYM HE WAS IN THERE JUMPING LIKE NOTHING HAD EVER HAPPENED! I was so angry. I went right to my vice principal and principal and explained how that was so unfair and the response to me was... it is not about being fair or unfair. It is about his condition. WTH? He doesn't even have a diagnoses and we are catering to him? What about ALL of the other kids in my room that behave everyday? I am just sick, sick, sick of it. Fair of unfair it doesn't matter, he did not deserve to jump with the rest of the class. And I am going to stoop to a new low... I will set him off every morning so that I can have him taken out of the room. Thank you for caring and I am sorry I have unleashed on you. I am tired and I can't stop crying.
Nancy W
on 2/15/08 8:53 am
Beth, I'm so sorry you're feeling so bad. I agree with the bubble bath and the wine. How can this child who is a potential danger to himself and others be left in the classroom? What if he actually struck a child with a chair? Couldn't the school be responsible, since they knew he was troubled? (I'm just asking, because I don't know how this works) How can they expect you to give him individual attention (which it sounds like he needs) when you have 2 dozen other kids? Sounds like a recipe for failure. I had a stressful day today, nothing like yours, but knew that if I didn't eat something quick, I was going to be out of control. Everything looked good in the store when I was shopping. So I picked out some choice pieces of celery, the best I could find, and some light cream cheese. I came home, put the cold stuff away, left the rest of the bags on the counter, cleaned and cut my celery, portioned out my 2T. of light cream cheese, and crunched away. I'm now full, and less stressed. It takes a lot for a Bandster to eat 5 sticks of celery! Lots of chomping! Take care sweetie...
on 2/15/08 8:53 am - Tacoma, WA
I cannot imagine going through that every day (or almost every day). That is horrible. My cousin teaches also, but middle school. She tells similar stories, I just don't understand how our kids get into this type of behavior and emotional distress at such an early stage of their life. I am so sorry you are going through this. Take care.
Chelle B.
on 2/15/08 9:08 am
This is just wrong. Not fair to him, not fair to you, and a danger to the other children. I don't want some child hurt like mine was because nobody would support the teacher who knew he was a danger. What's up with the Special Educator? This child needs special attention before someone gets hurt. Hang in there, Beth. Much love, Chelle
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