Early FOOD call.......
Going out to eat, as we have freezing rain, and 13 more inches, coming, and I want to get out once more......
B: gr tea, V-8, WC oatmealw/blueberries, and toast
L: tuna salad, crackers, grape tomatoes
D: will have Sicilian Cod, to die for, at my fav. Italian rest. Maybe I'll have a canelloni!(sp) I'm just cuttin' loose! ha
S: dessert from dinner
Have a terrific TGIF!~
B: skinny cinnamon dolce latte
S: skinny cinnamon dolce latte
L: sausage ratatouille soup (left over from last night)
S: crackers and liverwurst
D: David is doing hamburgers for us. I usually just have the meat ot the bun, but I might have a bit of bun today. Every once in a while, you just have to have bread....
Enjoy your dinner and your time out of the house!
Dinner was great, Nancy, I think you'd like this! I've mad it in a foil packet at home, and it's so easy.
Good cod fillets
dice, or slice, thin, green pepper, red pepper, white onion, garlic, minced, fresh mushrooms. I have beren known, to add a few sliced black olives!
ANY red sauce, stirred with just a tad, of EVOO
pour over fish, and veggies, seal tight, and bake, at 400, for, about 25-30 min. I'm sure it would be good ont he grill, too! Oh, give the foil a little spray, first! Talapia, would be good, too. Have a good day, hon! Your dinner sounded terrific!
My daughter has strep! Praying I don't get it. Bad day today.
B: 6 slices of bacon (those heat and eat kind) / 2 cheese sticks
L: chicken salad w/fritos
Then...it broke loose....I tried to eat a piece of that stupid choc chip cookie I bought for V-day. It got stuck. Horribly stuck.
We had an appointment to get our taxes done. This stuck happened 1/2 hour before we had to leave. I'm praying it just comes back up so I don't have to sit there sliming while getting them done. I thought it passed as we were leaving the house. Got in the car, I'm driving, got my cup handy. A mile up the road, up it comes.
So in addition to a PB.....we owe the freaking federal government almost $600.00
We had some rough financial issues last year and had to take some cash from my DH's retirement so this is the result of that. Owing the government was the lesser of the 2 evils....we really needed the money. I was mentally prepared for it. Hoping this year will be better.
What a night.