I saw a band expert today (he specializes in "trouble bands" and repairs). For over a year now, I have had issues with my band. Reflux, vomiting, solid food intolerances, night coughs, etc. My surgeon studied my band relentlessely and we could never see an abnormality. I got called "mental by his GI doctor". I got a second opinion and that surgeon could not see any problem (he just told me to chew better... yeah right). I saw another GI doctor and he said something is wrong with my band (so did the psych consult). So, my surgeon has asked all these other band experts who had ideas as to what the problem is and yet we couldnt' see any problem...

I went to this band exert today. We talked last week and when I came to his office today, we did a barium swallow. He saw the barium go down without any problems, but there was a bit of reflux. Not a ton... but then a surge of barium went from m lower stomach, into my pouch, and out my esophagus. He said that my band has not slipped and it is in perfect position, but that reflux was a clear cut sign of a hiatal hernia. He went over the repair (easy process), and said he thinks my symptoms will be completely resolved. :cheers:
I feel so overjoyed that I could cry.

I have seen so many of my barium swallows and finally "my stomach performed" and we found the problem. It is such a relief!!! We are going to fix it as soon as possible! It could even be next week! My surgeon and another bariatric surgeon will fix the defect and this expert will be there to make sure everything goes well. He said he hasn't had to repair too many of these hernias post-op. Mine is a small defect and that the stomach (pouch) slips up and back down from the diaphragm constantly. (why mine is called a slipping hiatal hernia). With a normal person, it isn't a huge issue and many people have HH's and don't have symptoms, but with the band, it can cause problems. My restriction has always been "touchy" so we dno't know if this repair will fix that or not, but if my reflux and vomiting is resloved I will be so relieved!

I have adopted maladaptive behaviors (eating junk food for example), so after the repair, I will have to work on good food choices again. Hopefully I will be back to eating salads, nuts, beans, meats, etc. I know I will go through sugar withdrawal, but I will cross that bridge when I get to it post-op!

I am just so happy to have found the problem and that it can be repaired!!!