Phyllis~~~~ Amica
Just want you to know you are in my thoughts and prayers and hope everything works out ...I figured there was something brewing in there. Glad you at least finally know what is is and how to deal with it . I sure dont blame you for not wanting to have another surgery ... is there a chance this hernia can heal itself or is the surgery inevitable?? I have heard of patients getting hernia repairs and after lapband surgery , having hernia repairs but cannot remember just what it involved, I am going to have to do some research on this .. I have a bad case of CRS Can't Remember _hit... There is a coffee out by Folger's called Simply Smooth it has the acid removed whatever tiny bit remains is further nuetralized by a splash of skim milk if you llike milk in your coffee it is the acid not the caffeine that irritates our tummys. Regular coffee does sometimes but not always give me an acid stomach if I drink more than 1 cup like when I am out visiting , but Simply Smooth coffee, I can drink the whole pot LOL!. OMG how can we live without our coffee in the mornings.... and no way can I live without my tomatoes and tomato sauces and gravies!! Have you tried putting just a pinch of baking soda in your homemade gravies to take the acid out ?. I would also take an acid reducer if tomatoes bothered me but in my case it doesnt ... telling an Italian to stay away from coffee and tomatoes is like asking a duck to stay away from the water~~ coffee and tomatoes are two of the simple pleasures in life ...... I do have an esophagus problem, so have to see what happens with me too.. Big (((HUG)))) ... From your goomba

That's an old trick I used to used when I had my restaurants. A pinch of baking soda fizzles up and kills all the acid. A little sugar in the sauce also helps with the acid.
I live on tomatoes and coffee. You could simmer an old boot in good tomatoes and it would taste great!! And how would life be worth living without a good meatball . . . but that's another post. Blessings,
Ron... I use a pinch or 2 of Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
sugar ... .. in my sauces also but afraid to use that word much around here.. it sure sweetens up the tomatoes but just a pinch goes a long way !! I have just recently started using a pinch or 2 of Splenda and it also works . it is supposed to be made from real sugar ...yup good ole baking soda sure does the trick with the acid in tomatoes .. ...really funny and probably all in my head ,but to me the acid in the tomatoes is what really gives it that good old fashioned special tomato taste so sometimes I do leave out that baking soda! HaHa Ha ..I have been told that if you cover poop with tomato sauce and mozzerella cheese or parmesean cheese.. I would eat it ( hubby says that to me ..he is Irish and English) meatball ?? did you say homemade meatballs?? got any homemade sauce and cheeses to go with it?Mmmmmmmmmmm good!

I make my very best sauce during the Summer from my home grown Italian Plum Tomatoes, ripened on the vine, with home grown Italian parsley and basil. I cut the tomatoes into pieces and put in the blender, and then through a "potato ricer" to remove the seeds. This makes ne glad to be an Italian! Momma Mia!
The Sicilian Grand ma ma would throw in some raisins and a carrot to sweeten it up. But Ron is right, homegrown make the best Sauce. I love how these things get passed down through the generations. I have one son who is a natural with cooking, excellent cook. My oldest son lives in California and grows divine tomatoes in his yard. The neighbors love him. He makes sauces and salsas. They are my favorite gifts from him. Last Oct. he sent a box of fresh tomatoes all the way from CA. I made use of ever scrap of those.
Adrianna and Ron
Hell no, I am not giving up my tomatoes. I was telling someone else that I crave tomatoes when I don't feel good. They never seem to bother me and I think cooking reduces the acid. I think I read that somewhere. I was preggers with my first and all I wanted was lasagna for breakfast!!!!
I will try the folgers. I have never been successful in the past, so I better get some good alternative to quiting. I will tell you that I know for a fact that alcohol and chocolate are the two biggies for me. And I can live without them, most of the time.
I have a feeling that fills are never going to do it for me until I get myself fixed. Not only does the hernia need to be repared, but Dr wants to move the band further down on my stomach.
Thanks for you support and I hope that you can get your issues resolved. I know it is such a worry when things are not right.
I know how hard it is to let go of things we love like chocolate and even a little alcohol but maybe if we use it for a treat it will all fall into place ,not totally give it up just cut way down and make it a treat then, if that bothers you ..well take it all one step at a time ...if you try cutting out too many things you love all at once life has a way of making us resentful and unhappy.. but when you have a medical condtion.. it is amazing what habits we are able to change that we seemed unable to change before....