Your experiences, please!
This sounds like a newbie question which, at 22 months out, I shouldn't need to ask!! But it is new to me and so I jsut wanted to know of your personal experiences.
Basically, I have never been too tight. When I read posts on boards from people who are, I often respond, as do others, saying "as long as you can drink, leave it a day or so and see how you feel!"
For the first time ever, I think I am too tight. I was filled yesterday (so now 24 hours ago) and can drink OK but can't take anything more than a few mouthfuls of (very thick) soup. Now I am not worried ! I am following my own advice and waiting a few days.
But my question is - for those who have experienced this - does it sometimes loosen after "a few days" and what do you mean by "a few days"?
Hi Kate,
My doc does a 2-day liquid diet after a fill to allow any inflammation to go away. It is possible to have the stomach irritated/inflamed by the fill. If that is what is going on, it should be fine within 2-3 days. If this hangs on longer than that, it's back to the doc to talk about a possible slight unfill.
Good luck!
I have been "too tight" immediately following a fill, but that is because I seem to swell easily. So I do light liquids for 3 days after a fill.
Now the times that I've been too tight for real ... It's been more than a week after a fill, on liquids and I still couldn't get anything down. It didn't loosen up on its own and I required an unfill. I've had that twice.
I can seem "too tight" immediately after an adjustment to my band due to swelling. But it is more than 3 or 4 days (at the absolute most) then I assume that I am really too tight.