I'm so ready to..........
So exciting! I wish you all the best - sounds like it is your first? There is nothing in the world like your very own baby!!! Well actually, as I ahve just found, having your very own first granchild is a pretty close second!
Thinking of you - I had one Caesarean (en emergency one) and I am all in favour!!!! APart from everything else, the baby comes out with a nice round head not having been squeezed! Good luck!
I am so excited for you and your little angel...I know that you are so looking forward to it...Hannah Marie...such a cute name...
I know that I am loving the time I am able to spend with my new little angel...Emma Grace...she is so beautiful...and will soon be spending time with Sonda's new baby...Elliott Grace...
God is truly a miracle worker...when you look at those perfect little ones...so tiny, but so beautiful...
I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers...
Blessings, Debbi

congrats Amy, I hope everything goes well for you. That weight will fall off! I worked in obstetrics for years and always smiled at the moms who wanted their baby born sooner rather than later - just keep in mind - they are easier to look after "inside" rather than "outside". Having said that, they can't stay in there forever and there is nothing in the world that matches seeing your baby for the first time.