other vets?

Kate -True Brit
on 2/9/08 10:37 pm - UK
Has anyone told people who left OH ages ago about this new site? I am thinking of people like Caeli. By the way, we Brits think of ourselves as an island race so I feel right at home here with PEI!! Kate
Sharon T.
on 2/9/08 11:18 pm - Southern , WI
I sent out a bulk mail, to a TON of vets, in my address book. I think a lot of them, unfortunately, are just living life, and have no room, for the boards, anymore. most of the "older," vets, that were upset with the drama, are now showing up on Ron's new board. I posted there, too, to see what it was like, and who was there, and I'm afraid, we are losing to him. I appreciate what he's done, but I need to talk to Lenora, and Nancy. I LOVE the Island, and would like to keep it going. We'll see what happens, Kate.
on 2/10/08 12:43 am
Sharon: I havent checked out Ron's board and probably wont, but its good that there is a place for people to go off of the main lap band board. I think that some of the vets will check it out and the ones who already post here will keep posting here. But thats just a guess. I noticed that there was a newbie upset that he divided his board into a vet/newbie board..so now he gets to deal with that issue too. Beth will be back and anyone that we see that has their one year anniversary can be invited to PEI. My only suggestion is that we dont invite anyone that likes to cause trouble. (which I did once unknowingly..didnt I sharon...lol) I bulk pm'ed people in the beginning and if I noticed someone who qualified I would pm them again. I let Caeli know and Nancy D..but never saw them here. The island is tame and peaceful so it wont be for everybody..only people who like tame and peaceful.
Nancy W
on 2/10/08 1:06 am
So true L - People who like the drama will gravitate back to the drama. The island isn't for everyone....
Sharon T.
on 2/10/08 1:56 am - Southern , WI
I agree, with both, Nancy, and you. You're too, cute, hon!
Nancy W
on 2/10/08 1:01 am
Everyone likes to check out new places. Hopefully it won't take away from our island. Like I said, I can't really add another board. I don't have all that much to say anymore! Life with the band is pretty much the same for me every day, but I do love staying in touch with you vets!
on 2/10/08 9:09 am - Sayville, NY
I became a moderator on Ron's board. It is a very friendly and helpful place. There is no drama and just support the way it ought to be. Maybe OH just got too big... Just my opinion... I will still post on the island but I am done with the main lapband board. I don't need to ever be attacked again!
on 2/11/08 6:49 am - DFW, TX
I post here & there on the main board but really don't have time to keep up with another board besides OH. I like PEI and hope my friends stay!
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