New fill...spent the day with mom....

Karen D.
on 2/9/08 6:48 am - NY
Revision on 11/24/15
DH replaced the water lines today so I couldn't be home....I need water! So I went to a local outlet mall with my mother to waste the day. It's getting so I spend every Saturday with her. She's getting up there in years so I guess that's not such a bad thing. They have a Lane Bryant outlet and I got 2 of the Cacique (sp?) bras that I like now that I finally got it adjusted to fit me right! So then we go to BJ's Wholesale to get some TP and paper towel. I lost her, but knew I could find her at the samples table. She says, Karen! Can you drink juice? GRRRR...I said YES, I can drink anything I want! I just don't want any. We just had lunch and since I should be on mushies we had gone to Ponderosa (her choice) and paid $6.29 for 2 TBSP of mashed potatoes and 1/2 of tiny piece of meatloaf. Wasn't worth that much!! So when she asked me if I wanted the juice I got that, yuck, I can't look at food right now feeling. It was a good feeling, kind of empowering!! So then she tries to get me to drink a yogurt smoothy. Again, NO, I just don't want it now leave me alone! I shouldn't let her get to me and change the subject when I feel that coming on and her focus goes on to something else. So I'm feeling this new fill. I haven't eaten much today and I know that's going to backfire on me. So far I've had 1 packet of oatmeal, the tiny piece of meatloaf, little mashed potatoes and a cup of coffee. I'm hungry now so I think I'll have a little hummus. Have a good night all....
Sharon T.
on 2/9/08 6:57 am - Southern , WI
Well, honey, I know your Mom gets on your nerves, but I tell you, I sure wish I had mine back, to irritate, me! I miss her, so! Can't wait to see how you do with your new fill, on real solid food. now, remember, stay hydrated, since, you're not taking much in! Do, I sound like Mom!?
Karen D.
on 2/9/08 7:08 am - NY
Revision on 11/24/15
Yes, she does. The older she gets the more opinionated she gets. She rags on my sister all the time! But...I still love her and enjoy spending the time with her. You never know how long we'll have them. I got surprised last week when my 9 year old wanted to have the sex talk with her and when I told mom how I explained it to her she told me I did it all wrong! Well....I think I did better than her because she never told me anything about it! Got my period and never knew what it was! Anyway.....I hopped on the scales and my weight was down so maybe this little tweak will help. Off to have that hummus before I have fix dinner for the kiddos.....
Sharon T.
on 2/9/08 8:07 am - Southern , WI
Oh, yeah, my Mom, never told me, anything, either! She was a NURSE! That was a different generation,then, dfor sure! You're too young to remember those days! Sex, was a dirty word! haha
Cindy W.
on 2/9/08 8:03 am
Hope your fill works out ! I lost my Mom in Oct. and I would give anything to have one of those "Mother - Daughter" disagreements with her again and there were plenty over the years ! Its hard sometimes to just let it slide but you know .... Mothers think they always know best ! ~ Cindy
on 2/9/08 8:59 am - IL
I hope your fill works... Moms.... You just gotta love them.:}
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