I'm going to be away for awhile
I am not leaving because of anyone or anything - I just have a ton of stuff going on... from student teacher to Leadership Academy. I just don't have the time to put into the board right now. I need to prioritize what I am doing with myself - it is a self reflection not a reflection of anything going on here. I find I spend way too much time here when I should be doing other things - like cleaning, working out, spending time with my family, etc. I will check in when things settle down in my life... probably in June - LOL - when school is out! Take care and I promise to check in soon.
Oh, Beth, you'll definitely be missed but I hope the time away is time well spent for you. I feel the same way sometimes - that I'm avoiding other things that I should be doing, but I seem to be drawn here so I try to check in early or late. I hope you can drop a line now and again just to let us know how you're doing.
Stay well.
- Ann