Today is Ms. Mary's Birthday!
Well, all day it has been February 4th. Yes it has. I've stared at the date on my Lotus Notes calendar. I've ignored the beeping noise from my Palm Pilot that was trying to tell me something. I've talked to my mom 5 times today. I drove pass Ms. Mary's apartment complex on the way home from work.
Did I remember that today was Ms. Mary's 76th birthday? Noooooooo! It wasn't until I was at the ktichen table eating my fresh spinach steamed to perfection with a tablespoon of garlic mash potatoes and a dallop of smothered porkchop gravy that I heard my mom giggling with someone on the phone about Ms. Mary's gifts that it dawned on me that it was her birthday.
So what did I do? I called her and told a big fat lie! Why, because she will keep you on the phone for an hour if you let her.
' Ms. Mary? Listen, I'm stuck in traffic and need to focus on my driving, but I wanted to call you all day and was just so busy at work and am just getting a chance to call you to tell you Happy Birthday!'
You know what she told me?
'Well, you go ahead, baby cuz you know dem po-lice is looking to give you a ticket. It's 'round the first of the month you know and they got to get dem some suckers.
That's okay that you couldn't call until now cuz I was at the Gol-den Co-rral for my birthday today so I wasn't home no way. I ain't got time to chat cuz I got to get ready to go cut me a rug right now. Bye!
I could have saved that lie for later!
Wow! To truly live! When I grow up....I want to be just like that.
Well, you must be cousins with my mom too because she just told me about myself yesterday. You see, I have this annoying habit of doing for others and short changing myself.
So when I complained about spending $76 for these 100% Egyptian Cotton sheets, 500 thread count, one too many times (cuz you know they have starving children in {pick a country}, she promptly told me that I am worth more than $76 sheets and I better start acting like it!
I'm working on it and should be successful. After all, I have such good role models!