Post Bariatric Plastic Surgery
I will be having a consultation with a plastic surgeon at the end of February in Toronto. I got price quotes from three surgeons in the U.S.A they estimated the cost for a lower body lift, inner thigh lift, upper body lift and breast augmentation at about $35, 000 - $40,000. Obviously this is a lot of money! I was hoping for some advice on lowering the plastic surgery cost... Is there any government assistance I can apply for or is there anything I can say to the surgeon to help lower the cost? I'm willing to pay the cost with a personal loan but anything that can be done to reduce the crippling debt I'm going to endure will be appreciated.
For those who have had post bariatric plastic surgery can you tell me on your search to find your plastic surgeon did you consult the The American Society of Bariatric Plastic Surgeons? - apparently these are the surgeons who specialize in body contouring procedures after massive weight loss. The following website lists all these surgeons (who must also be board certified plastic surgeons to be a member)
I'm thinking (and correct me if I'm wrong) that because these surgeons are specialist their prices must be significantly higher.
Please share with me who your surgeon was and what procedures you had done. Also share the amount you paid and if you are happy with the results.
Any information you can give will be greatly appreciated.
Take Care.
Hi, I had a tummy tuck and thigh lift 4 years ago. It was around $8,000. Make sure you see pictures of your plastic surgeons work. Make sure he is experienced in body lifts. If you can prove medical necessity your insurance company may help you with the cost. You have to have chronic rashes underneath your skin folds or a hernia. I am very happy with the results. I lost 8 lbs of skin and 2 jean sizes. I would do it again. Hope this helps. Mona
I am having my TT this coming Monday (getting excited!) Anyways, I did not research for a bariatric PS, honestly did not know it exhisted. I went to 2 consultations and ended up with the one my Bariatric Surgeon refered me to, She has experience with band patients. Mine costs $8640 for just a full TT with muscle repair. I wish I had some advice to lower the cost, but I don't Its ashame that Insurance considers this as consmedic and not reconstructive. Its like they won't let us complete our journey. Best of luck