Need my a$$ kicked then an apointment for a fill....
Okay I feel bad but I have been starving all the time! Tonight I finally caved. I had a 4'' Mancino's chicken grinder (yes bread and all) a single serving bag of Doritos and finished off with a can of Cherry Pepsi! Took me about a half an hour to eat it but now I am full and feel so much better! (not mentally!) I just have been soooo hungry lately! Please tell me I need a fill so I will break down and just get it done! You are talking to the Queen of "waiting it out" instead of seeing a doctor. I should have gotten a fill a long time ago but I guess a meal like that is what it takes to open my eyes.
I hear ya Angie. I've had a rough January and have used that as an excuse for bad eating.... things I shouldn't be and continual grazing. Today I managed to eat a whole sandwich very easily and a donut...... no trouble at all. DANGER DANGER! It's been nearly ten months since I've had a fill.. and I've only had a couple anyway. Trouble for me is the scale isn't showing what I've been eating which makes my strange mind talk me into 'it's ok'. But I know its the start of a slippery slope, so.... I'll pick up the phone tomorrow and make an appointment for one. Hate doing that as it is a 8 hour round trip drive for me......and I was HOPING that by this stage I'd be able to eat normally without one. Ah well........... a kick up the a$$ for both of us