Stomach Ache Due to Stress
I'm dealing with some seriously stressful issues right now...and got major bad news that I can't go into this evening. Since then, my stomach just flat hurts with that too much acid feeling and I'm tight as a drum.
Cold feels momentarily better than hot, but then the ick comes back. I think my band is kicking my butt and telling me that I'm no longer allowed to stress.
It seems just when things start to calm down, that the world starts to explode again.
OHHHHHHHHH I know that icky, yucky feeling, I never thought I was bothered by stress before being banded. I even used to say.. I work better under stressful condtions and in a certain situation this is true ...But and this is a big "But" my band acts crazy.. my tummy hurts, things don't go down well , even the area where my band is placed aches ,and I get this yucky feeling Ths is one of the things I discovered about myself after being banded that , plus I thought Hubby was eating most of the food now I know ... It was ME!!!:- I take sometines a prevsaid or even an acid reducer which sometimes helps .. ... there are times I can't even have water or hot tea it tightens up that much
. This is just so weird but I guess part of living with the band ... OOOOOOh my finicky band ,I call her Sybil because she has many personalities ...(((((HUG)))