Apology to all...

Chelle B.
on 2/1/08 12:18 am
Hey guys, sometimes I get caught up in the bashing of former Band forum members and enjoy the play. However someone pointed out that I had joined a thread some time ago making fun of the mentally ill - with comments about even having internet in mental institutions. I remember the thread but didn't go back for the exact wording. I have a bi-polar sister and a bi-polar best friend. I was treated for severe major depression back in 95-96 and it was a horrible time for me. Therapy and meds saved me, and I never want to go back there. Of all the times I make thoughtless comments, this has to be the worst. Please accept my apologies for making fun of such a serious issue. It was rude and thoughtless, and I hope that I stay away from those comments in the future. And special thanks to the friend who called me out on this. I truly appreciate it.
on 2/1/08 12:24 am
Chelle: I understand what you are saying and am all for rising above or learning from our mistakes. In defense of you however, I must point out that no one really knows if the "former" (is she really former?..she is probably still here) has any mental disease or is just mean. I saw plenty of lucidity in her lies. But I wholeheartedly agree that their is nothing funny or untragic with mental illness. If you have to apologize then I am surely going to hell for things I have said. (even though I dont believe in hell..lol)
Chelle B.
on 2/1/08 12:27 am
Oh she is still around, I am sure of it. And she is one of the meanest people who won't go away. And if I were to apologize for all the things I have said, then my fingers would fall off from typing so much. This one just stood out because it offended someone who had the gumption to tell me about it privately.
Sharon T.
on 2/1/08 12:52 am - Southern , WI
I see no need for you to apologize about anything, Chelle! I am sure she has mental problems, BUT, she is also, intelligent, and just plain vicious, she needs a life, and always turns, EVERYTHING, into a negative! People who get off, on hurting others, are for sure in need of, serious help. I'm sure she is still her, and will never go away.
(deactivated member)
on 2/1/08 1:20 am
This is such a nice post Chelle. I think your point here, correct me if I'm wrong, is that the thread made fun of mental hospitals in general. I know that is the problem that I had with it. I think I mentioned on that thread that my good friend is bi-polar and so is his daughter. In fact she was hospitalized for it after trying to commit sucide. Those places are a Godsend to the folks that need them. It's not about Dee at all.
Chelle B.
on 2/1/08 5:50 am
Right - I don't apologize for any of my comments about Dee.
Sharon T.
on 2/1/08 1:56 am - Southern , WI
I guess I don't know what thread you refer to. You know, I just lost someone to suicide, and he was Bi-polar. The only person, I've ever known, I have no tolerance for, in that respect, is *ee! I've been through my own depression, and I have nothing but respect for anyone going through a rough time! I agree with Susan, hon, a very nice post, and you are a very thoughtful person, as we ALL know, already!
on 2/1/08 8:59 am - Commack, NY
Chelle, I've made my share of off-the-cuff remarks that I later thought better of, so don't feel alone. Listen, there are some real wacko's on the board and it's not hard to be pushed into saying some things we later regret. Cut yourself some slack. When the crazies crawl out from under their rocks, it get's uncomfortable. I think it's less a mental health issue and more of just that there are some vile, vicious people out there. My family, including one of my grandson's has been touched by mental health issues so I can have compassion for those who suffer. But with some of the porplr on the main board, I think it's less a mental health issue and more of just that there are some vile, vicious people out there. Did I forget to say . . . "GO GIANTS"!!! Blessings, Ron
on 2/1/08 9:32 am - NY
Oh my God....Can I just say, thank God it's Friday. There are so many people on the boards and I consider you (and, by the way....the rest of the 'inhabitants' on the Island so very loyal, sweet, kind, considerate, and just plain selfless and caring (and that's from a Giant's Fan to a Cowboy's fan!) I don't know what was said in the heat of a thread, and quite frankly, I don't care. I don't believe that you have it in you to be mean so it's so in the past for me. Things happen....things are said. We're all here to support each other and I have no doubt that you have all of our support!
on 2/1/08 10:28 am - Sayville, NY
We all have said things that we have regretted once they came out of our mouths... We love you very much so please don't give it another thought. My husband suffers from depression too. It isn't an easy thing...
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