Update: Nutritionist visit

Karen D.
on 1/30/08 10:16 am - NY
Revision on 11/24/15
The visit started with "how much are you filled at?" 1.8cc....she says she wants me to get to the doctor and get filled right up. I then tell her that I haven't had a morsel of food to eat all day because I slime on it. Then she gets a puzzled look on her face and asks to go over my food choices for the last couple days. I'm honest and get the response I figured I'd get. Protein, protein, protein, blech....sorry I get tired of that word. I felt like I was rushed, thought we'd have an hour together like in the past, only got 30 minutes. Can't do much in that length of time. She wants me to see the doctor, tell him everything and see what he thinks. Not very productive, in my opinion. Then....when I get home, stres****s. I was home early thinking I'd have an hour or so quiet time....I get a letter from our fuel oil company stating they are upping our budget....get this....our monthly payment is going from $146.00 a month to $337.00!! I was sick to my stomach, I called my mom and cried. We can't afford this. We're barely making it as it is. I've got to do something and I don't know what. So stres**** me pretty hard tonight. I drank 6 cups of coffee, I'm so hyped up right now I think I could run a marathon. This fuel oil/gas business is depressing. No wonder people are starting to rob banks around here (quiet town that hardly sees any action)...people are getting desperate. Somethings gotta break before I have a breakdown!
on 1/30/08 10:52 am - Sayville, NY
I wish I had an answer for you with your band problems. I hope that your doctor will really address your concerns... Boy do I understand you oil budget problems. My husband and I are both retired so we aren't getting any raises. My budget just went up from $240 to $280 that I don't have either. I'm walking around the house with heavy sweaters during the day and a heavy robe in the evening. I refuse to turn up my thermistat (spelling?) and more. My house has too many rooms for the 2 of us. Thank goodness we have 3 zones for the heat so I can turn down the parts of the house we aren't in. I wonder if the President is conserving to make ends meet? Ha! We've also been doing all of our errands together so we don't waste gas. I'll bet Bush is doing that too! Does Laura bring coupons to the supermarket? I guess she doesn't even go to a store. They probably don't even know what we pay for the necessities...
Karen D.
on 1/30/08 6:44 pm - NY
Revision on 11/24/15
I hear you Marcia! My mother who is 68 and her fiance is 72 deal with the same company and they doubled hers to $600.00!! I don't know how the elderly will handle this. It does drive me crazy that whoever is doing this doesn't think about the person who makes $8.00 an hour. I have mulled over what we should do and I can't come up with an answer. I said I would have to get a 2nd job but my mother thinks that is ridiculous with the 2 kids we have as they need me.....I don't know....my son was due to get braces and I'd have to pay for that monthly, now I can't afford to finish the work that was started. Makes me sick. How are you doing with your recent fill? Has it jump started a loss for you? I think I will go in next week and get another....the nutritionist did say that 800 calories a day isn't enough and the body will hold on to everything you give it. I get more than that per day, but she wants me to add an afternoon snack. I think between a fill and eating smaller more frequent healthy meals as some have suggested will work. We'll see! Thanks for your empathy with the oil crisis!
Nancy W
on 1/30/08 1:23 pm
Our PG&E bill I just opened is $450. I am shocked. It's not snowing or all that cold here. I never turn my heat above 67. I do have a 2 story house, but I can't imagine why it's this expensive. Sure cutting into my fun money.
on 1/30/08 9:16 pm - TN
OMG!!!! from 146.00 a month to 337.00?? why such a huge jump?? That is more than double ...did prices go up that much? I know how hard it is to keep the wolves back from the front door ,especially when you are raising a family ... My gas bill along with water (we have no sewer bill we are on septic but they charge us double because of that ) for 33 days came to $78.50 including tax... last month though it came to $107.05 and I thought that as high!Ithere any way your family can qualify for fuel assistance?? food stamps? anything to take the sting out Now is not the time to feel proud when you need a little help that is what is is there for ..I have seen women paying with food stamps who who were dressed better than Iand drive off in a new car ... hmmm makes me think about this they also were not the least bit embarrased to whip out those stamps . some were even smug.. My family never qualifeid for anything... we were and still are.. falling between the cracks .. so sorry you are going thru this daliy living scraping to get by Hell! so many familes are having to tighten up and let many things go just ot make it today .. less eating out, no more sodas when they stop for gas heck even less stopping for for gas ! no more rental DVDs eating more and more beans,mac and cheese , hot dogs ,souos chili spaghetti to stretch that budget , whatever to fill the gut .. I also want to tell you I al 1.8 in my 4ccband I have had my lapband since Oct19, 2006 I have esophagual problems from what I am reading on your posts ,there is a possiblity you may have this problem , maybe not but it's best to get checkled out and see how you are swallowing and if your esophagus is somehwat enlargedI am not able to get filled past 1.8 and my esophauhus enlages I do have truble eating solid food because of this butI still keep trying I do get sick from time to time and slinm too ((HUG))) I also have lost 85 pounds and then Boom it all just stopped >>
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