Exercise: Tuesday 29th

on 1/29/08 4:05 am - Australia
"Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you'll find one at the end of your arm. . .........Audrey Hepburn I've been up for 1 1/2 hours sitting at my pc catching up on emails etc with my exercise gear staring at me. Now it's too late to go out as I have to get ready for work. So I will take my runners with me and bolt up and down the five flights of stairs a few times before I leave work tonite. I might count how many stairs there are and start using my pedometer to get back in routine. Time to start setting some goals. "It's a dream until you write it down, and then its a goal". - Anonymous I've always liked that one......... Sharyn
on 1/29/08 6:54 am
RNY on 12/26/17
I am a lazy slug - or at least I have been for about a week. I have a plan to make tomorrow better than today.
on 1/30/08 5:13 am - Australia
Look at it like a rest/recovery time for your body You have been doing lots of exercise.Always good to mix things up and trick the body Sharyn
Chelle B.
on 1/29/08 9:17 am
I worked today and then came home to ride the exercise bike for 45 minutes and 10 miles. I have officially ridden 2,500 miles on that bike - best investment ever!
on 1/30/08 5:15 am - Australia
2,500 miles........... just think if you were on the road doing those miles.. wonder where you would have ended up lol. Sharyn
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