for not being here and doing the exercise thread. I should have taken the time to pop in. I have been doing some heavy duty work (ie. Tuesday was 8.30am - 5.00pm, then home to sleep from 6pm - 8 pm then a night shift from 9.55pm - 7.20am - home for a shower then off to my other job from 8.30 - 5.00pm) and I've worked every workday plus at least one weekend day. That is going to change .... ummm.. after next weekend. little dog.... died the other home under the coffee around 4.40am. The last few days were not gentle on her. I knew it was probably coming so I took her for a drive in the car and down to the beach the day before she died. She could hardly walk so I carried her and we sat together on the sand for a while. She was just short of her 13th birthday. Very very upsetting.
To top it off, a friend of my husband's killed himself and took his two dogs and cat with him.
Roll on February.
p.s. thanks Chelle for keeping it going.
With all that going on my eating went out the window along with my restriction it seems. It's been a good 9 months since I had a fill so I might make arrangements for a small one soon if I don't get back on track.
On the good side (there is always a silver lining if you look hard enough)...... I was awarded an $11,000 scholarship from work to do some post grad study so I'm back to University next month. Somehow I'll fit in study with 1 1/2 jobs lol.
Sometimes .. ..there are no words for the loss and sadness that you feel, please know I am here ,quietly holding your hand and understanding across the miles I wish for you peace ,warmth. The sun will come out and the flowers will bloom again. You will also see your silver lining ..Gentle ((((Hug)))
(((((((BIG HUGS))))))))
I am so sorry for your loss.. My dogs are the second most important thing to me, right after my husband.. so I can only imagine how hard that is. So sweet of you to take her to the beach and give her that one last ride.
Sorry about your husband's friend.. that is so tragic.
Hang in there.. it gets better.