*POLL* What do you want this island to be?

(deactivated member)
on 1/27/08 2:30 am
I certainly don't mind waiting for my anniversary, March 5, to post on this board. When I posted my question yesterday, about posting here, I had just found the board and did not know that there was a 1 year or goal requirement. I was out of town when the board was set up, apparently, and did not even know of its existence until yesterday. I am happy to comply with the rules. Lynne
on 1/27/08 4:34 am - , OH
Well..... I wonder if like the old saying "Age is a state of Mind" applies to being a "veteran" of the lapband. I'm not opposed to 1 year being a criterion for this board. On the other hand, there are some folks who pack a year of learning about the bandf into a shorter period. Should there be no exceptions then? Just asking.
Sharon T.
on 1/27/08 4:53 am - Southern , WI
I think the "One," year is a good guideline! I'm sure there are some Vets, over there, who prefer, that board, too. Over there, if I would mention eating the Batter Fish, like I did, Friday, I would have gotten a lot of flack, because , I should know better! I like the fact, I can be myself here, and after all, we're ALL human! All we could do there, was interject, OUR experiences, to the Newbies, and, so many times I'd do that, I'd be scrutinized! There were times, I felt, almost guilty, for being at goal! It's like a breath of fresh air, here, to me! Thanks, again, Lenora!
Kim S.
on 1/27/08 6:18 am - North of Boston, MA
In the end any guideline ends up being arbitrary but I think the 1 year+ is a good choice. Yes, there are bandsters who've done lots of research and been on the board well before their surgery but the second year of my journey was a very different experience from the first year so I support the "grad" idea. JMHO. I doubt OH will be open to creating our own board but maybe we can get them to upgrade this board to the "new" format... Kim
Chelle B.
on 1/27/08 6:20 am
The only reason I am exploring the creation of our own forum is that is what OH offered up to me over a year ago.
on 1/27/08 6:31 am - Sayville, NY
I would like the board to be for those over 1 year. I would also like it to say Lapband graduates and not - "You can use this board for now because no one else was using it." We should be every bit as important as the RNY people. I don't want to feel like a second class citizen!
on 1/27/08 6:30 am
RNY on 12/26/17
I am guilty of welcoming someone who hasn't had the band for a year. I am sorry. It seems like this person has been banded forever. I didn't even look at their surgery date. I think it is important to keep the 1+ year rule. Like someone has already stated, the second year of my journey has been a lot different from my first.
on 1/27/08 8:44 am
I agree about the one year rule. I"m always intrigued when newbies who have "read" lots of stuff, but haven't lived it seem to have all the knowledge....and are happy to impart it to one and all. Also, I am so happy to have migrated over here....NO DRAMA and that's a joy. I've been lurking mostly...been swamped with trying to get my website going....Ron has really done a nice job for me...I'm holding up the works right now....need to get better photos......but that's another story.........what I was trying to say was that it's much easier here....and call me selfish, but I don't have to read the 500th "what does PB mean" post. I do wish that if nothing else, they would upgrade this forum to the new format...how difficult could that be???? I also agree with Marcia that we seem to be second class citizens....they gave us a board for ourselves cause no one else was using it....I guess that shows what they think of us. Anita
on 1/27/08 11:58 am - Milford, DE
I am just fine with whatever everyone else wants to do. I am calm and relaxed here on the island...aaahhhh!!!!
on 1/27/08 10:37 pm - TN
I agree with sticking to the 1 year rule ....it should stand for all.... if we let one in.. we have to let others with less than 1 year in ... and that would not be fair .. Ok ... just got an idea, what if we could invite these OH moderators to visit our Prince Island Board so they can see how things are coming along.... maybe if they were here and saw how dedicated we are to each other and the board ,they may change their minds and get us our Graduate Lap Band board.. if not ,I am very comfortable here on this island.. Although I keep wishing for big swaying Palm trees, warm tropical breezes, cool sea waves washing over sugar white sand beaches , tan, tall ,half naked ,very handsome ,straight men everywhere, flexing their muscles, smiling , boating, laughing and flirting , sitting on the beaches, talking and being cute... just being their natural sexy charming hunky selves.... BBQs , sand castles, watermelon parties, beach parties of course with bandster only approved foods .... ... Wow ~ Now that would be quite an incentive to stay on our diets !!!....Well you did ask what we wanted this board to be didn't you???...Oh Oh, somebody slap me~~ there I go dreaming again. got to get "those visions " out of my head... HEY... It's really cold here on this island and there is lots of snow here too. Anybody got an electric blanket and a hot cup of tea? Where are my bunny slippers?
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