My Union Insurance Plan Won't Cover Me!
I had applied for term-life through the teacher's union. I was a New York City Teacher for over 34 years. I received a notice in the mail that they will not cover me until after September of 2008. BTW I already have whole life insurance from Allstate but we got a notice in the mail offering a great rate from the union. What is their logic? Why are they saying that if I live until September this year, which would be over 2 1/2 years after my surgery that then I am insurable! I don't understand their logic???? Do you?

Insurance companies are from the devil. I cant get health insurance now (self employed)..since being banded. Thats why I am in college and going back into the work force, which will have a group policy that cant reject me. Insurance companies have changed the whole course of my life.
Marcia I know its frustrating..not sure their logic but you will be around in September to stick it to em!